Ick and Tail/Fin rot


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Laramie, Wy
My tiger barbs (and oddly enough, only my tiger barbs) came down with ick at a time when they were the only three inhabitants of my tank.

I did a complete tank overhaul the other day (installing a new filter and aeration system, I know 100% water changes aren't healthy, but in this case, was necessary)

After the tank overhaul, I bought 7 new fish... bringing my fish count to 10 (in a 10 gallon tank). In any case, it appears that the tigerbarb's case of ick has only gotten worse, while not affecting any of the other fish - yet. And I've noticed that one of the barb's fins and tail are starting to appear shredded.

Here are the measures I have taken so far, and I'm curious if this will help, and if i should do anything more.

-Water temp raised to 86F
-A daily dose of "Ick Clear" containing victoria green and acriflavine.
-A daily dose of "Parasite Clear" containing praziquantel, chlorophenylaminocarbon, difluorobenzamide, metronidazole, and acriflavine.

I haven't quarantined the fish, since I realize that anything that the tigerbarbs have is probably in the water/tank already, and just because I don't notice my new fish with anything doesn't mean they don't.

Help! :(
A 10 gal isn't big enough for tiger barbs what are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, probably the finrot is strress to poor water conditions.
Wilder said:
A 10 gal isn't big enough for tiger barbs what are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, probably the finrot is strress to poor water conditions.
I just changed the water nearly completely a two days ago, so ammonia and nitrates are really low.

Couldn't tell you what the pH is since I don't have a kit, but I conditioned the water and all, so i presume its suitable.
how long has your tank been running for???You should never do any more than 50% water change, anyhow it's been done let's look to fix the problem. You have changed the filter which means you would have remove any bacteria that was in there. I think the first problem you have to fix is get some live bacteria in the tank(you can buy them in bottles or little tea bags which you throw into you filter).When it comes to treating the ich and rott problem, there are many products of the market, metaplex,ich remedy etc... goto your lfs and see what they have.

Good luck.
Sunny.C said:
how long has your tank been running for???You should never do any more than 50% water change, anyhow it's been done let's look to fix the problem. You have changed the filter which means you would have remove any bacteria that was in there. I think the first problem you have to fix is get some live bacteria in the tank(you can buy them in bottles or little tea bags which you throw into you filter).When it comes to treating the ich and rott problem, there are many products of the market, metaplex,ich remedy etc... goto your lfs and see what they have.

Good luck.
what ingredients should i be looking for in treatments?

and I didn't so much change the filter as i modified it so that it sucked from the bottom of the tank instead of the middle, and added a protective cage so no more fish die while being sucked into the grate. in any case, it's the same filter with the same cartridge.
Good water quality will heal the finrot, anti fungus and finrot med for finrot.
This is a copy/paste job from a post I made a few mins ago! Hope it helps:

I have had several outbreaks of Ich, usually when I add mollys or loaches!
Anyways I agree 100% with the above also I was told to leave the light on all the time when treating as the parasites only move when the light is on. The parasite also like to hide in the corners of the tank so clean syphon out the corners. I also had a lump of bog wood and after a few days it too was covered in small white spots so watch out for that too. I usually buy a liquid and add that to the tank, I think it is some sort of dye, dont know what it does to the parasites but usually after 10-14days of treatment it clears them up.
Remember to remove any charcoal as this will filter out the medication and also increase oxygenation as the dye will make the levels drop.
one last point I had shrimp in my tank and had to remove him when treating, any apparently elephant nose fish (and the rest of their species!) are very sensitive to medication so what out for that, if you have any sensitive fish treat with 1/2 the dose.
I remember the first time I had Ich and I was pannicking but I have had about 6 over the past few years and most timesit clears up with the treatments and the fish survive, though might be more prone to another attack!

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