ick and Popeye p.q.. advice?

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New Member
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Arizona, USA
I recently picked up a female Betta from my lfs. The guy at the store had put a no sale sign on her tank. Me... knowing since she was the last thing in there, that they wouldn't waste money on medicating her, just had to ask the owner ( a guy I have come to respect a lot ) if he'd make an exception for me.

Well she's home with me now and I didn't have to pay for her at all. She has Ich and popeye. here are the medical bowl stats.

2 gallon bowl
water is reverse osmosed. no minerals.
Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia levels are 0.
Temperature is 88' F
daily water change alternating 50 and 100%

Current Medications in tank
malachite green
Aquarium Salts
trace methylene blue

Anything else I can do? anything I should do differently? I really love this fish's personallity and would do anything to have her back up to speed ^^


  • Eris.jpg
    7.9 KB · Views: 59
Are you sure you should be using that much stuff in the tank? Sometimes mixing medications can do more harm than good. I'd say just pick one and stick with it.
the methylene blue is trace because it may be left over from the water change (100%)
should have explained that.

as for the malachite green and formalin. they come dosed together in the medication I use. so I guess I should have explained it like this

quICH Cure (Malachite green,formalin)
aquarium salts
and stress coat

^^:: sorry about the methalyne blue. it's an obsessive compulsive quirk to add that in even though it's negligbile.

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