

Fish Herder
Apr 30, 2003
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Hollywood, Florida, USA
I have been treating for 5 days now. all of my fish except for 2 of my 3 painted glass fish are completely ich free. the 2 glass fish almost have as much on them as day one. It is definatly Ich. looks like little salt crystals and the treatment has removed it from all of the other fish.

water temp 82 F
nitrate 0
amoninia .1
ph 7.1
What are you using to treat with?

We use RidIch and we treated for 10 days everyday. Turned the temp up which 82 on the temp sounds good. Then treated every other day for 6 days. We also left the light on longer than we normally do. This took care of it for us and we have had no problems at all with ich since then.

One thing I would like to add is that painted glass fish is a man-made colored fish. The fish are actually plain and they inject dyes into them to make the colored effect. This weakens the fish and also in time the dyes will wear off. Just something to think about.....most fish that are tampered with are weaker than a fish in its natural state.
what kind of ich treatment are you using those glass fish are scaless watch out what you use because it be fatal on them jungle has a product for scaless fish have you turned up your tempature yet because if not the ones that came off are free swimming now it has to be around 85
I have Kordon Rid Ich+ the bottle says it is safe for scaleless fish, as I have a 3 inch clown loach, many tetras and the glass fish this was my choice. as for the water temp the guy at the pet store said 82. isn't 85 a bit high . I don't want fish soup. I have about 45 fish in a 65 gallon tank. mostly little guys, sword tails, tetras, 1 guppy, a 5 inch pleco, 2 three inch catfish. 3 danios.
Do you maybe have a smaller tank you could move the infected glass fish to? You will still need to treat the others but this would be good if they are that bad off. They are going to be the hardest to treat, as everything I read states that the dyes weaken their immunity because they try to fight off the dye since it is an invader. I really hope you can get them better as they have been through enough already. Good luck and I wish you the best.
that is what everyone has told me that it has to be 85 degrees to kill the free swimmers why dont you pn CM or William and ask them what they think about this but now I have raised mine and it never cooked them they all are still living and my tanks are ich free and has been since my first outbreak and I use coppersafe to make sure that I dont
I wish I had a smaller tank but I don't. no place to put one. you did 16 days with out carbon filters, wow, the water must have been pretty murky by the end of that. I am on day 5 and already can not see through the tank length wise. about 60" long. aslo is it safe to add the co2 for the plants during an ich treatment?

what is coppersafe? never heard of it, but I am new to this aquarium thing. only had it about 8 weeks. and just added all of the fish 2 weeks ago.
We never run carbon in our tanks and yes we ran our CO2 at the same time as the treatment. We always run CO2. Our tank never got that murky, it will get a little cloudy at times from bacteria bloom or like when we changed to sand substrate Monday, that was awful!!!!! Its all clear now though.

You did say in another post that you have an UGF right? I thought I read that but wasn't sure, what other kind of filtration do you have, if any? We were using a UGF and a Aquaclear 300 on our 55 gallon at the same time as the treatments. Just normal sponge filtration in the Aquaclear. How long did you say you have had this tank up and running?
tank has been running 2 months, all the fish have been in for 2 weeks. I have an UGF and aquaclear200 wich is getting replaced on friday when I get paid with a Marineland Emporer 400. how do you get the ugf to work without the carbon filters on top. my air stones wont go down that far with out them. they connect on a seperate piece of tubing to the bottom of the carbon filter that sits on top of the big tube.
Also forgot to ask what your nitrIte readings are. This could be a clue to a mini cycle or depending on length of time running, it could be cycling for the first time. This takes 4-6 weeks normally to complete the first time. That is a pretty heavy fish load even though it is a 65 gallon. When you figure roughly 1 inch of fish (fullygrown not includeing the tail) to 1 gallon of water and more with a fish like a pleco which has a lot of waste, you are a bit overstocked I would think. This will affect your water quality and could answer the question of murky water as well. The ammonia isn't bad, the nitrites we aren't sure of, and the nitrates are actually low for the fish load as ours are never at 0. This is what makes me think possible cycle problems. I am not sure how familiar with cycling you are but the way it works is...... fish produce ammonia in the form of waste and rotting food also produces it. The ammonia then feeds the bacteria nitrIte which then begins to thrive. The nitrIte in turn feed the nitrAte which a safe bacteria for fish in lower levels. It can become dangerous in high levels. That's why we all ask about your parameters. You want ammonia 0, nitrIte 0 and nitrAte under 40 ppm (parts per million).

I hope this helps I am wracking my brain on this one.

As for copper safe, I would stay away from it as once copper is in the water, it doesn't filter out. The only way to get rid of it is to change the water. Some fish and a lot of live plants do not like copper. Most plants have a hard time with any copper in the water.
typo, nitrite @ 0 I don't have a nitrate tester, I am going to get an entire spectrum wardley kit also on friday when I get paid. thx for racking your brain. I really appreciate it. if you would please also let me know how to make the UGF work with out the filters on top please. I am very new to this whole fish thing. my apartment complex threatened to evict me for having 2 cats so I gave one to a friend who in turn gave me his big empty tank. I will stay away from the coppersafe thx. I cycled the tank for 6 weeks with the loach and pleco that another friend gave me. then added my stock. if I counted up the inches of fish I would have to say about 50-55 inches of fish. most of them are very small. I plan on setting up a 20 gallon aboyut this time next year after I have cleared some space for it and recovered from the financial setback of this tanks setup.
Ok, assuming you mean you had the tank running for 2 months without fish, I would definitely say you are in a cycle now after adding all those fish. That's a lot of fish for a new set up. Watch the fish for any signs of distress, coming up to the top gasping for air, difficulty swimming, etc. If the fish are acting strange in any way immediately check your water conditions as if the ammonia or nitrites are too high, this can poison them and you will need to do a water change. Try to refrain from changing the water too often as this can prolong the cycle. This could be a lot of the ich problem as well because that is a byproduct of stress. Ich is an organism present in all tanks and usually flares up in stressful situations.

As to the UGF, take the carbon off and if necessary get more airline to make your airstone reach the bottom of the tube. The UGF actually uses your gravel as a filtration "sponge" if you will by pulling the water down through the gravel as through a sieve. That is why gravel vacuuming is necessary when doing water changes about every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks and try to only vacuum about 1/4 of the gravel each time as the "good" bacteria lives in it. Also I would strongly recommend using a powerhead on the UGF tubes as the Marineland Emporer 400 will still not provide adequate filtration for a tank of that size with that amount of fish. The carbon takes things out of the water but is not important at all in the tank. It will, however, remove any medications you put in.
ok I've got some extra tubing, I'll push teh airstones to the bottom of the tubes. I am planning on a power head but will need to wait until next friday for that one. I only have so much money to throw at this project per week. I have a gravel vac and plan on doing a 25% change this sunday.

I will just go get more ridich tomorrow as I just used the last dose out of the little bottle I had. I will but the uber sized bottle and continue to treat for 5 more days as the 10 you did and then will try the every other for 6 more.

thank you so very much for helping me try to save my fish. with out my cat of 6 years I am stressed and have a case of the ich my self. or at least slightly sad. this tank has really brightened my life again, I just wish I had done more research before setting it up, I may not have been in this predicament. I have learened more from this forum in the last 5 days then I ever thought I would need to know and still hungering for more knowledge now that I know it is out there. again, thankyou vey much for all of your help. I at least have a path to try now :D
Now that Allie is getting ready for bed I will teach you a few things about the beloved ICH that we all love to hate. Ich actually grows in three stages, the stage at where you see it on your fish is actually the one that your meds wont do any good. This stage is the growth stage, whenit falls off it then falls to the bottom of the tank and from there it grows into a new tomite. After hatching it then becomes free swimming in your water looking for a new host. This is the time when you med will work. There are also other things that you can do to get them. You can raise the temp of your tank but to kill them your are going to have to go even higher than the recommended 85. Your fish arent going to like it at all if you crank up the heat. I recommend setting it at 82 degrees. The reason for the increase in temp if its not to kill them is to speed up their life cycle so your treatment times are going to get as many free floaters as possible at one time.

Now they next way to help increase the growth of them to treat, Leave your lights on. the light also helps speed up the cycle of the ICH and again helps in being able to get as many as possible.

I would not use anything with copper, The Rid Ich with Malachite Green is more than enough to get the Ich and its safer IMHO over copper based products.....Not to mention that if you have any live plants the copper will be hell on them.
Please dont think I am trying to come off as a smart a** but I have spent many hours reading on this and I have learned alot.
Nobody wants to have ICH that for certain, but you need to look out your fish too



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