

Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2014
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About a week ago I added a rubberlip pleco to my well established tank, all was well until I noticed the tell tale signs of ich on the tails of two of my harlequin rasboras.

These are the only two fish with any spots, everyone in the tank is eating and swimming around just fine.

I've started treating with heat and salt, as I've had one outbreak of ich a couple years ago that was agressive and killed almost everything off in a week.

I guess my question is there such a thing as an incredibly mild case of ich?
All ich is mild at first as surely there is always a first fish to catch it, however...there is always a last fish to catch it too. Stop with the heat and the salt, remove any carbon from your filter and get some proper medication in there and get rid of ich straight away as it will only get worse. Follow the instructions on the medication to the letter.
After the first round of infection is over the spores will drop to the bottom of the tank (where you cannot get at them) and when they change status you will have almost of your fish infected.

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