Fish Fanatic
I added some rummies and cardinals to my 200L aquarium a couple of weeks ago and they have contacted ich
Generally they aren't too bad, but a couple have a fair few specks on them and I don't want it to get to bad, obviously!!
Anyway, I need the best treatment options. Stock is currently:
- 10 rummynose tetras
- 7 Cardinal tetras
- 3 Bristlenose plecos
So pretty lightly stocked.
I have checked the ammonia etc and all levels are fine and normal. I have increased the temp to about 28/9 degrees C.
So, I heard that a combination of aquarium salt and Waterlife Protozin would probably do the trick, but is this actually the case?
What works best? Are rummies sensitive to salt?
Thanks in advance!
Generally they aren't too bad, but a couple have a fair few specks on them and I don't want it to get to bad, obviously!!
Anyway, I need the best treatment options. Stock is currently:
- 10 rummynose tetras
- 7 Cardinal tetras
- 3 Bristlenose plecos
So pretty lightly stocked.
I have checked the ammonia etc and all levels are fine and normal. I have increased the temp to about 28/9 degrees C.
So, I heard that a combination of aquarium salt and Waterlife Protozin would probably do the trick, but is this actually the case?
What works best? Are rummies sensitive to salt?
Thanks in advance!