

Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2012
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I added some rummies and cardinals to my 200L aquarium a couple of weeks ago and they have contacted ich :( 
Generally they aren't too bad, but a couple have a fair few specks on them and I don't want it to get to bad, obviously!!
Anyway, I need the best treatment options.  Stock is currently:
- 10 rummynose tetras
- 7 Cardinal tetras
- 3 Bristlenose plecos
So pretty lightly stocked.  
I have checked the ammonia etc and all levels are fine and normal.  I have increased the temp to about 28/9 degrees C.
So, I heard that a combination of aquarium salt and Waterlife Protozin would probably do the trick, but is this actually the case?  
What works best?  Are rummies sensitive to salt?
Thanks in advance!
I had ich terrible a few months ago..I tried the salt heat method and it made it worse! And plecos don't like salt... I used quickcure and it got rid of it. Along with daily vacuumes.
I used Wunder Tonic, small red and white bottle, I used it when I had a few Neon Tetra that had Ich, and it cured them, and I didnt have any loss of life. I really would recommend it!

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