

Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2003
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Prescot, Merseyside, UK
I'm treating one of my tanks for ich at the minute. I give the tank it's last dose of protozin on saturday. How long after the last dose do I put the carbon filter back in?
about 24 hours. i usuall give it this long though never used the protozin. the information sheet included with the meds should tell you how long it is efective for. once the effectiveness wears off you can use the carbon to remove the meds. remember though that ich is a parasite. just cause the fih show no outward symptons of it does not mean that it is truly gone from the tank. would atleast treat the tank for a week to be sure after the fish stop showing the signs of ich. what temp do you keep your tank at? ich cannot survive in the higher temps. don't raise your temp too fast though or higher than the tolerance level of your fish.

imo, i would continue the treatment on the fish for three days after the fish are showing no signs of ich. is is a parasite that lives in the water. when it is not on a host fish it can be destroyed. the parasite fisnd the host fish and burrows under the scales to feed. when the parasite is in the fish it will show the signs of ich. the white specks, not eating, listlessness, etc... when the parasite is in the fish it cannot be destroyed. after the fish have showed no signs of ich for three days stop thetreatment. you could also raise the temp slightly to the max that is allowable for the fish. also raise it slowly! you can shock the fish by raising it all at once. also do 10 % water changes daily before adding the medication to the tank. would also not feed the fish. they probably have no desire to eat and all you will do is raise your toxin levels witht he uneaten food remaining in the tank. if you fast the fish for three days or so it will not harm them.

parasites cannot live in warm temps and fungus cannot live in low temps. so if you are experiencing any of these adjust your water accordingly but slowly and then raise/lower it back after treatment.


ich will be affected by temp. it is a cyclical parasite. meaning if the temp is too low it will slow the growth/ spread of ich and vice-versa if too high. i was always told to raise temp (as much as you can without depleting the o2) while treating. also i wouldn't change the water till the treatment time was over. it might dilute the treatment. also typically ich is usually caused by transfer or by drastic temp change in their enviroment.
I've just added more protozin. You add ion day 1, 2,3 and 6. Today is day 6. One of my platies is still showing signs of ich. What do you recommend I do?
still keep using the meds. as long as the platy or any other fish is still showing signs of ich the parasite is still present. while the parasite is still on the fish it can not be destroyed.


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