Ich ?


New Member
Jan 30, 2003
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Greetings, those Ich look like this ? One of my algue eater is dying in the bottom of my Aquarium as I write this message, and I manage to take pictures with my crappy webcam. Just wanted to know if someone could tell me what the heck is going on in my aquarium =( The pics quality are not very nice, but this is the best I can do.

See for yourself


Any feedback appreciated
Oh, and if it can help someone ...

1. No idea about ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, but temp. is about 76F now.
2. Symptoms are : fish dead (algue eater), with small white 'rocks' on their body,
tails are touched most, and one have a weird 'glue' on its eye.
3. About water change, this is a new aquarium (10 Gal).
4. Petshop girl gave me 'Mycopur'. It says 'against fungal infections, skin and gill flukes'. I also added 2 drops of methylene blue, thinking it would help somehow ...
5. 2 convicts + 1 neon
6. 10 US Gal
7. Experience ? 1 year ... but never had problems before.

I do regular 1/3 water change every 2 weeks in my other tank, never had problems.

Again, thanks for any help.
Looks like white spot....

You need a white spot treatment. I would also raise the temp if the fish can take it, as above 28C white spot doesn't survive very well...

Its normally caused by large temp fluctuations/stress or poor water quality/stress..

Try and get some water readings for the following... ph, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia

Good luck mate...

P.S.. i take it this new tank is fully cycled?

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