
New Member
Feb 5, 2004
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If you haven't read any of my recent posts, one of my silver mollies developed a white spot about a week and a half ago. I began treatment using "Quick Cure" but noticed that my cory catfish and chinese algae eater reacted with the meds and looked ill.

As soon as I noticed, I stopped using the medicine and tried the old fashioned way -- turning the temp to 85, and doing daily water changes of 25%.

They would just lie at the bottom and looked like they were dying. Occasionally they would even turn pale!

Throughout this whole process my water levels have been great and the ICH has been gone for a while now.

Finally today, I moved them into a 5.5 US gal tank and already (within the hour), the catfish is swimming around happily, searching for food on the bottom and the algae eater is, well, eating algae.

I may not know a ton about aquarium keeping yet, but I have come to conclude that it must have been the medicine. Therefore, :

If you have cories or algae eaters, I would highly reccomend treating ICH the old-fashioned way first as opposed to adding meds.


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