

Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I have a ten gal. with seven black neon tetras, two female guppies, three ghost shrimp and a recently introduced female betta. After harassing everyone else to no end, she started developing ich. I realize now I should have quarentined her before introducing everyone. I don't want the rest of the tank to become infected. Should I isolate and treat her or should I treat the whole tank? If I should treat the whole tank, what medications are most effective? What treatments work with/won't kill shirmp? Is salt safe for shrimp and if so, how much? Is salt safe for everything else? :crazy: Advanced thanks. -_- :blink:
I'd put the shrimps into a hospital tank (a bowl would be fine) and treat the whole tank for ich. Unfortunately, ich parasites spread like wildfire and live in your gravel. Thankfully, the treatments do work.
I have treated Ick with a product called quick cure. It's a standard ick cure containing formalin and malachite green. I have one ghost shrimp in the tank and he is fine. Granted this is one experience with only one shrimp. If you want more info before using a product you can email the company's tech support line. This particular product is by AP (aquarium products). I sent them an email about what level of the product would be safe for plecos and they got back to me the next day.
good luck
Hey see my sig for ich. and yes you should treat the whole tank ;) like alien said like wildfire

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