Hello, I'm new to the forum and to the hobby, but I'm having a problem with ich in my tank. I have a 55 gal saltwater reef tank that's relatively new, meaning I have my rock and sand, but I haven't experimented with corals, yet. I have several Astrea snails, Nassarius snails, emerald crabs, hermit crabs (different kinds), a cleaner shrimp, a sand star, a blue starfish, a long spine urchin, two percula clowns and a kole tang. When I bought the clownfish, I didn't notice right away that one of them had just a few white spots (ich). I kinda freaked out, but in a day or so, they went away (I think on the count of the shrimp). I waited a couple of weeks and bought a kole tang that was competely healthy. Just yesterday, however I noticed that he had white spots on him. I want to treat the entire tank before I put anything else in there, obviously. I have read about the treatments for ich and most say that you can use them with invertebrates. I don't know if this means the organisms I have, or corals and anemones, because as I've said I don't have any of these yet. I was wondering if anyone had a solution that didn't include quarantining. Also, I found a website www.nosickfish.com that says that they have a medicine that will kill most diseases without quartining and it's safe, etc. etc. Has anyone heard of this site and how reputable are they??
Sorry this is so long!
Sorry this is so long!