Ich! Treatments With Amano Shrimp?


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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So, what are my treatment options? 2-3 or my Tetras have ich, or what looks like the beginning of ich, on their dorsal fins. I also have Amano shrimp in the tank and would like not to lose them, but is there a treatment or anything that can help that'll kill the ich? something non-copper based? home remedy? higher temp? I dont have a quarantine tank (stupid, i know) but what can i do? should will i just have to lose the shrimp?
Try something from the maracyn brand. I think they have a non copper med
are you in usa or uk? in uk you can get a treatment for ich by waterlife called protozin, ( maybe you can get in in the states too?)we've used it a couple of times successfully for ich & we have amano shrimp in our tank & they seemed fine.
good luck
If you cant get the right med, why not isolate the suspect tetras and treat them?
I have used Waterlife products before (with no shrimp) and found they worked well, now I have tanks with Amano shrimp in and your post made me ask myself a question of what I will use in future is I get any problems.
My next tank will be a 400Ltr ... there is no way I'm chasing shrimp around that tank all day before treating any illness !!!

So I emailed Waterlife and asked them which of their medications are safe with shrimp.

==========Here is their response ===========
Myxazin,Paragon and Octozin are safe to use in the tank with the shrimp. Protozin contains copper and as such can kill some shrimp.

Millym seems to have had no problem with Protozin and shrimp ... however Waterlife dont recommend it ! Note their reply says "some shrimp" - maybe Amano can cope with the level of copper in Protozin.

Mr G

Did you manage to clear up your whitespot without harming the shrimp.
If so I'd be interested to know what you used ....... in case of future emergencies !

I know of one other person (on another forum) who is also looking for a suitable treatment that can be used with Amano shrimp in the tank.

Good Luck ...... Hope it goes well.

Mr G

I have amano shrimp in my community tank and I treat most of the illnesses with Myxazin by waterlife. I have never had any problem with it effecting the shrimp.

Hope this helps

it's incredibly difficult to find something not copper based in the area! for some reason or another, everyone carried the 'efficacious' stuff, which is copper based... so i had some hunting to do here in the states. I finally came upon this 'all natural' product from API (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals) and asked the LFS guy if it was safe with shrimp... he told me yes, that he had used it on his..etc.

fine... so i'm trying it because i lost two Neons during the wait... i didnt want to lose anymore... =(

so, we'll have to see. these little amanos are so elusive anyway, i'm having a hell of a time seeing them! we'll see....

wish me luck...

BTW, i'm curious to know if anyone has gone through these ich treatments and perhaps have had to have a mini-nitrogen cycle afterwards??

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