Ich treatment with Python No-Spill?


Fish Addict
Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Sioux City, Iowa
I need to treat my tank for Ich. I'm going to use RidIch+. I've got a Python No-Spill system for water changes.

I think I've got a good idea of what to do, but then I read this from http://www.aquamaniacs.net/ich.html :

Do not discontinue using AmQuel to treat tap water that contains chloramines. According to Kordon, AmQuel will neutralize RidIch+ if added directly to the tank under treatment (not if added to untreated water containing chloramines before a water change).

Since the Python hooks right up to the faucet, obviously I can't treat the water before putting it into the tank. :)

Any ideas of the best way to go about adding AmQuel (actually, I'll be using Bio-Safe)?

My guess is to add it to the tank after all the water is in.
Thanks, Sea_Monster.

But, QuickCure and RidIch+ have the same active ingredients (malachite green and formalin). So, the AmQuel/BioSafe would probably neutralize either of them.

Anyone with ideas of how to treat the water when using a Python?

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