Yeah so I've been treating my 20gal for Ich now for over a week. I'm using Nox-Ich and raised the temp to 82'ish and even added some aquarium salt. it started with the clown loaches. Occasionally a Tetra will get a spot or two. About 6 days into the meds, I introduced 6 Red Phantom Tetras. The clowns looked like they were getting better. Now(still treating), the new tetras have gotten a few spots. THe loaches are looking better but how could the ich still be active?? My gourami hasn't been touched by the Ich but my clown pleco has died Water params are right, barley any nitrate, an no nitrite.. Ammonia is barely there if any. I was halving the dosage, but recent cranked it up to about 75% dose. ABout 15 drops nightly for a 20gal tank. Recommended dosage is 1 drop per gallon. Should I go full dose? More salt? i've done a couple water changes in the meantime and did take the carbon media out before treating.. I need to beat this. THanks for any input!