Ich? Other Fungus?


New Member
Sep 2, 2012
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Hi, new here. I have a 5 high fin black skirt tetras that are showing signs of what I thought was ich. The other fish in the tank are not showing any symptoms. It seems to be small white spots on their tails which made me think ich, but it's more of white blotches on their tails. I have been treating with Kordon rid ich plus for about 3 weeks with the temp at 84 F, with no significant improvement. I would use salt, but I do have a pleco and gold dojo loach in the same tank, so I haven't. Not really sure what to do at this point, any suggestions are appreciated.

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Tank size: 20 Gallons
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: ~25 ppm
kH: unknown
gH: unknown
tank temp: 84 F (for treatment), usually at 76

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I have 5 high fin black skirt tetras that are showing signs of what I thought was ich. They have a few white spots on their tails only, but it's more of white blotches. Other fish in the tank have not been affected. No flashing or unusual behavior, fish are active and eating well.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Daily 1/4-1/2 water changes.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem prime, API quickstart. Media is sand.

Tank inhabitants: 5 High fin black skirt tetras, 5 serpae tetras, 1 pleco, 1 gold dojo loach.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None

Exposure to chemicals: Kordon rid ich plus

Digital photo (include if possible): The photo attached does not capture what I'm talking about, I couldn't get a good picture of it.

I can't make much out in the pictures. Can you alter the contrast of the pic. (Darker)

Are the spots the size of a grain of salt?
Any redness to the spot? inside of spot, or outside of spot.
Are the spots filled with fluid?

The blotches, do they look bleached out.

Are the tetra showing any other signs like -
Flicking and rubbing.
Gasping at surface of tank.
Flashing off objects in the tank.
Excess mucas, on body, gills, fins.
I can't make much out in the pictures. Can you alter the contrast of the pic. (Darker)

Are the spots the size of a grain of salt?
Any redness to the spot? inside of spot, or outside of spot.
Are the spots filled with fluid?

The blotches, do they look bleached out.

Are the tetra showing any other signs like -
Flicking and rubbing.
Gasping at surface of tank.
Flashing off objects in the tank.
Excess mucas, on body, gills, fins.

Thanks for the reply. No redness inside or outside of the spots. No fluid in the spots. There are some spots the size of a grain of salt, but more blotches which look cloudy and white, not so much bleached out. They are not showing any other signs, they seem to be happy and normal, eating well. No darting, rubbing or anything of the sort and no extra mucus. The strange thing is I have been treating with rich ich plus for 3 weeks, which has worked in the past for me, with no real improvement and none of the other fish are showing any symptoms whatsoever. Is it possibly a resistant strain? Should I try something else? I don't want to use salt because of the loaches and pleco. I'll try to get some better pictures up soon.
Stop the med if you been using it 3 weeks.
Run some black carbon.
Preform a gravel vac, and water change.

I would try another brand of whitespot med.
Once you run the black carbon for 24 hours.
Then do another water change.

Any tiny white spots inside the blotches?

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