Ich Or Something Else?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2012
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today we noticed our pregnant black mollie (that refuses to lay the rest of her babies) we think has ich, but im not sure ive never seen it before. theres tiny white dots all over her body and in(?) her eyes, but it also looks like air bubbles are stuck to her scales. then i looked closer in the tank and theres ''air bubbles'' little ones all over the ground of the tank...

what is going on??

so far haven't noticed anything on babies, but dont wanna move them to the big tank for fear of my other fish catching this
Generally ich only affects a fish that is stressed,and if she is preggo then its a good chance that she is stressed and the parasite has taken over. How many fish do you have in the tank? what is your male to female ratio? what are your ammonia and nitrite levels, and what is the size of the tank.
dont judge. but i cant tell u my levels cuz we ran outta testing stuff and planned on picking some up tomorrow after we get paid. She is isolated (has been since she 'started' giving birth 2-3 days ago) in a 5 gallon tank. so the only fish in the tank are her and 3 babies. our other tank looks good.

so if its Ich, what are these 'air bubbles' that are clinging to her and to the bottom of the tank, also seen some earlier like stringing off her, there was 1 attached to her body, then invisable thread, another bubble, another invisiable thread and another bubble.

and seriously ALL these spots popped up over night, last night she looked just fine and today she has white spots all over and it looks like its in her eyes, her eyes are bugged out and have white spots inside them.

ugh i feel terrible! my poor mollie :(

Are her scales sticking out
And to treat ich, you should raise the temp to 82, add salt if you can, and also add meds

her scales are not sticking out that i can see.. :(
it may be just air bubbles on her, which would be common if you just set the tank up. But if it is a white spot that does not move off of her when she swims, then it is probably white spot. Do you have a pic?
not the greatist but hopefully u can see something of what im talking about mollie.jpg

i know its really blurry. i dont have time to try n find my camera and load something offa there so its off my BB. theres a few prominent spots on her belly, most are on her tail fin, and in her eyes.
thank you, im so worried :( will the ich treatment kill the babies in the tank?? and can i clean the tank while i trea it?? (gravel vac)??
raise the temp as fishy friend said. This will speed up the lifecyle of the parasite and cause it to drop off of the fish. Treat the tank with a white spot medication, or salt. Mollys are very tolerant of salt. Within 10 days or so, this should be a thing of the past :)
Just wanted to update everyone that today was payday! so we went out and bought a new heater for our big tank and also bought a little one for the litle 5 gallon my sick mollie is in. She's looking so much better! we started her Ich treatment today and cranked the heat to about 82. this morning most of the white spots dropped off her so we added treatment right away. She's out and about swimming and eating happily. we unfortunately did lose 1 baby assuming to the sickness but the other two seem ok. fingers crossed she pulls thru!

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