My apologies, I cannot get a picture of this long-finned leopard danio, my phone can't focus quick enough. ;(
I brought these fish home 15 days ago (3 LF leopard danios, 2 WCMM) to start the cycle on my 37 gal community tank. Looked in the bag closely and saw what I thought was a giant spot of ich on the right pec fin of one of the danios, plus a tiny speck of white on the same fish's dorsal fin.
Decided to move the 3 fish I already had in my cycled 20 gal tank into my 37 gal to start the cycle, then moved the new fish into the established tank to work as my hospital tank. Placed the heater in the tank, raised temp from cool water to 78 F over the next day and added 1 tablespoon of non-iodine salt. Started ICH Rid plus, 2 Tsp each day, 25% water change each day for three days, and raised temp to 84 F. No change. Kept doing water change and adding ICH Rid +, on 7th day added bubbler and another Tbsp of salt. Still no change. Large white lump and tiny white spec still there, none of the other 4 fishes develop white specs. Missed two doses of ICH Rid+ then did one, missed two more, then did 2 more doses.
Now we are up to 15 days, still no other fish have ICH spots, the tiny spot on the dorsal fin is gone but the large lump of white whatever is still there. Is it possible the large lump is ICH or some kind of growth?
Tank size: 20 gal
pH: 7.0
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 40 ppm
kH: ?
gH: ?
tank temp: 84 F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): behavior is fine. Swims around fast, chases other fish, eats every feeding, no sign of flashing.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25% daily before ICH Rid+ dose
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: ICH Rid+, non iodine salt, Prime. Media = filter floss and sponge in HOB AquaClear, half bare bottom and half regular aquarium gravel.
Tank inhabitants: 3 LF Leopard danios, 2 WCMM added when previous fish were moved to an uncycled 37 gal. Those fish were 1 gold WCMM (Male), 2 gold barbs (M/F)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 3 danios and 2 WCMM are new. The previous fish were the gold WCMM and 2 gold barbs.
Exposure to chemicals: Previous to the great switch-a-roo, only Prime was used in the tank.
Digital photo (include if possible): sorry, can't get one
I brought these fish home 15 days ago (3 LF leopard danios, 2 WCMM) to start the cycle on my 37 gal community tank. Looked in the bag closely and saw what I thought was a giant spot of ich on the right pec fin of one of the danios, plus a tiny speck of white on the same fish's dorsal fin.
Decided to move the 3 fish I already had in my cycled 20 gal tank into my 37 gal to start the cycle, then moved the new fish into the established tank to work as my hospital tank. Placed the heater in the tank, raised temp from cool water to 78 F over the next day and added 1 tablespoon of non-iodine salt. Started ICH Rid plus, 2 Tsp each day, 25% water change each day for three days, and raised temp to 84 F. No change. Kept doing water change and adding ICH Rid +, on 7th day added bubbler and another Tbsp of salt. Still no change. Large white lump and tiny white spec still there, none of the other 4 fishes develop white specs. Missed two doses of ICH Rid+ then did one, missed two more, then did 2 more doses.
Now we are up to 15 days, still no other fish have ICH spots, the tiny spot on the dorsal fin is gone but the large lump of white whatever is still there. Is it possible the large lump is ICH or some kind of growth?

Tank size: 20 gal
pH: 7.0
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 40 ppm
kH: ?
gH: ?
tank temp: 84 F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): behavior is fine. Swims around fast, chases other fish, eats every feeding, no sign of flashing.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25% daily before ICH Rid+ dose
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: ICH Rid+, non iodine salt, Prime. Media = filter floss and sponge in HOB AquaClear, half bare bottom and half regular aquarium gravel.
Tank inhabitants: 3 LF Leopard danios, 2 WCMM added when previous fish were moved to an uncycled 37 gal. Those fish were 1 gold WCMM (Male), 2 gold barbs (M/F)
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 3 danios and 2 WCMM are new. The previous fish were the gold WCMM and 2 gold barbs.
Exposure to chemicals: Previous to the great switch-a-roo, only Prime was used in the tank.
Digital photo (include if possible): sorry, can't get one