Ich on my blood parrots!


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
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Two days ago I realized my blood parrots had ich (forgot to leave the heater on :-( ). I raised the temperature of the water to 84, added medication (Super Ick Cure- has anyone used this medication? Is it effective?), changed 30% of the water, and removed the activated carbon from the filter. The Ich are the size of a grain of sand (I barely noticed until they were scratching), there are some on their head and fins, some on the bottom of the tank (I tried to clean them out during the water change--- not easy). I also have 2 pleco in the tank, they are often on the bottom. I'm worried that they might have eatten some of the Ich. Is there anything else I can do to help them? Your advice will be greatly appreciated! Thank You!

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