Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Ok So The Trumpet Snails are getting to be a real problem.
Curse Maidenhead for saying they were OK for Congo Puffers.
Well the Main tank is Infested and So I got 2 Small Clowns. Problem is 1 Has the Onset of Ich.
So I removed Carbon Turned up the Heat and Added 5ml of Interpet Ich Meds.
Was that Enough or too Much.
Curse Maidenhead for saying they were OK for Congo Puffers.
Well the Main tank is Infested and So I got 2 Small Clowns. Problem is 1 Has the Onset of Ich.
So I removed Carbon Turned up the Heat and Added 5ml of Interpet Ich Meds.
Was that Enough or too Much.