Ich making my mollie behave strangely??


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2004
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Well, I came home yesterday from work, and two of my mollies and my guppy, which all looked great when I left for work, had white spots all over their tails and parts of their body.

I got the malachite green/formalin and am treating per directions, with 50% partial changes daily.

The only thing is, one mollie's behavior seems strange to me. He (or she) is swimming in place without moving....almost as though trying to swim upstream against a hard current. Is this from the Ich? And is it a bad sign?

Livebearers do this quite often when stressed and its called shimmy. It is a condition that usually means the fish is stressed due to illness or water conditions and is probably directly related to the ich and the meds.
My Platy acted in exactly the same way when she got White Spot. I treated with King British White Spot control.

In my experience, the key to treating White Spot is patience. Maintain the instructions of your medication and continue treating for a little while even after the spots have disapeared.

It took about 2 weeks for my White Spot to completely clear.


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