ich is getting worse!


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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The ich seemed to be getting better yesturday, the syndontis had only a few spots left. But at night it was much worse! All the danios are just hanging out at the bottem, the shark was terrible looking! Fins all ragged and iched up, gasping for breath at the surface.

so i go turn on the lights this morning and the shark is dead and so is a danio. They syndontis is covered with the ich. The teras now have it. The only fish that dont are the male krib, the plattie, swordtail, and the two guppies.

This is the 5th day of treatment, and its not getting better. I am baffeled as of what to do! I dont want them to all die, but it seems like that is what is going to happen anyways.

The levels are all perfect, I just tested them. I have no idea what to do!

I also am afriad that if they do all die or when it is cured, what if the ich stays on the plants and other decorations. I DO NOT want to bleach them because I would be afraid that it would sink in, or not be wrinsed out of all the crevices of the wood.
Sorry, that's no fun :(

You are right with your surprise...it should only take 3-4 days of medicine.

What have you been using? Malchite green?
Wow .. sounds like a bad attack ...looking at the big picture .. What treatment did you follow ?

If there are no fish in the tank it should not be a big deal to clear the tank of Ich .. they need fish to survive as far as I know ...

in my own limited experience it can take repeated treatment to control Ich .. early detection is a key.

Good Day ... B)
Up your temperature above 80. When I treat for ich I normally have it at almost 85.

This will speed up the ich lifecycle tremendously - medication only works during the free-floating stage. When it's on the fish it's there, you can't get rid of it. It will eventually fall off, sink to the bottom, and then multiply and float back up - this is the stage the medicine works.

At 75 degrees, I believe the ich lifecycle is 2-3 weeks... at 80, it's only 5 days... even higher, even shorter.

A fish with ich will have ich - but you can prevent other from getting it, and prevent it from getting worse, by upping the temp and continuing treatment. All you can do for the ones that have it is cross your fingers that they make it a few more days.
I put my heater all the way up, but the temp. doesnt go pat 76-77 F because I have my tank in the basement area. Though the basement is warm.

I am using ridich, I beileve that that does have the Malchite green in it.

Today the guppies had the ich on them as well. But I did notice the corries didnt.

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