ICH in new tank


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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well ive had my new tank for a few weeks but there is a prob my two clown loaches have ich bad and have now passed it to my cichlid what do i do ive been doing 15% water changes everyday this week and also did add some interpet anti white spot plus (is this stuff any good) but nothing is working help. Should i put the cichlid in a salt bath
As long as your following the instructions properly and caught the spots quite early then you should be able to get rid of it fairly easily.

If the Interpet one doesn't work try Esha Exit instead.

I have successfully treated clown loaches using Interpet white spot treatment.

if your water changing whilst treating thats your problem, each time you water water your weakening the treatment.

I take it your water changing to keep chemical levels down being a new tank right?

each time you water change add a bit more treatment, just a few mil to replace what you have removed, just a few millilitres will do it.
Is this tank cycled?? cause if it aint using meds would be a lot harsher to your fish and your biological filter....If i were you I would use the heat and salt method....Raise your temp(gradually) all the way to 30 C/86 F and add 2 tablespoon of salt per 10 gallon and keep it that way for 10 days and when all the ICH spots are gone keep the heat for another 3 days before bringing it down also make sure that you have extra airation or something to circulate the water cause at this temp there is less oxygen.....goodluck....I'm currently having mild ICH breakdown on my tank and this method is working all of the ICH spots are gone except for my Clown loaches which has a couple of spots.....
G_Sharky said:
Is this tank cycled?? cause if it aint using meds would be a lot harsher to your fish and your biological filter....If i were you I would use the heat and salt method....Raise your temp(gradually) all the way to 30 C/86 F and add 2 tablespoon of salt per 10 gallon and keep it that way for 10 days and when all the ICH spots are gone keep the heat for another 3 days before bringing it down also make sure that you have extra airation or something to circulate the water cause at this temp there is less oxygen.....goodluck....I'm currently having mild ICH breakdown on my tank and this method is working all of the ICH spots are gone except for my Clown loaches which has a couple of spots.....
But I have cat fish and an red tailed shark wich are salt intolerant?

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