Fish Fanatic
I have had ich and fungus in my 10 US Gallon golfish tank for 4 weeks and it is not going away. It started on my orange fantail, and now it has spread to my other three goldfish. I also have 2 otocincluses and a cory, but they seem to be unaffected. The goldfish are behaving and eating normal, but the ich is spreading. I have been trating the tank for three weeks with Rid Ich, and combonation of Formaline and Malachite Green that treats ich and fungus. I have had wonderful results with this before, but this time it is not working. I have been putting Rid Ich in at 5mL or 1 tsp. a day.
All the water qualities are fine...
I keep the temp between 72 and 76. Someone at an LFS said to raise the temp to 78, but I know that is the max safe temp for goldfish. I do not need to have Ich explained to me, because I am pretty knowledgeable about fish illnesses. I am just stumped here and am curious if I should increase the dose of Rid Ich or try something else.
All the water qualities are fine...
I keep the temp between 72 and 76. Someone at an LFS said to raise the temp to 78, but I know that is the max safe temp for goldfish. I do not need to have Ich explained to me, because I am pretty knowledgeable about fish illnesses. I am just stumped here and am curious if I should increase the dose of Rid Ich or try something else.