Ich, Help!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2013
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Hi everyone, I am in need of major help.
I have a 18 gallon tank with 8 neon tetras, 1 betta and 1 pleco.
Yesterday I noticed that they had ich and I rushed to add treatment to the water (EXIT is the name of the medicine).
Today I also realised that the betta has fungus so I added medicin for fungus (Esha 2000 is the medicine). I turned up the heater to 80ºF.
I have about six tetras down and one other that is basically dead, the alive ones are moving slowly and have loads of white spots.
I have never dealt with ick in tropical fish, only with goldfish, which died shortly after.
I have been losing fish like crazy this past month, I need help!
Water conditions are good, it's just the ich!
Help me please

Also the betta's fins are losing color and tearing up quite bad
You dont actually need to increase the temperature when using esha exit and esha 2000. How fast did you increase the temperature? this could be a factor with the fish deaths. 
Star is right about the temperature.
What I did to treat my tank that had ich was to use Kordon ICH attack,
I didn't even raise the temp, as I have cories, but what I did is vacuum the gravel every other day, it is really important to do this, as this is where Ich reproduces!
 Hope that helps!
star4 said:
You dont actually need to increase the temperature when using esha exit and esha 2000. How fast did you increase the temperature? this could be a factor with the fish deaths. 
I raised one degreee each hour
I just got over a case of ich in my tank.  It came from rummynose tetra who were the first ones infected.  All of them.  I used Exit as well, and I lost 6 out of 10 rummy nose early on.  The remaining four cleared up right away, and my discus and rams never got it (thank god).  I didn't raise temp because the temp is already 82F because of the fish I have.  I followed instructions and did the three day treatment, but I noticed on day 4, my hatchetfish had it!  You can do Exit for 4-5 days just FYI.  I did a 50% wc at that point because I noticed that some of them seemed to be getting some fin rot too, which can be quite common after fish have ich.  At this point, I slowly raised the temp up to 86F (and increased surface agitation), and did another treatment of Exit combined with 2000 for the fin rot, and within two days, everything cleared up.  Point is, ich can sometimes be stubborn, so you may find that you have to let the meds completely run their course, or even run an additional treatment (which is fine with Exit) before things improve dramatically.  What kind of tetras are they?  many tetras are quite susceptible to ich.  Were your tetras new, or had they been in the tank a while?  

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