Ich :c


New Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Two of my tetras seem to have ich, i was just stocking my tank and i was adding fish slowly, i only have 4 tetras and one dwarf gourami

ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm

i have an anubia nana and a marimo moss ball, the tank has been setup since 2 months ago, it is cycled. My gourami is healthy and has a GREAT personality, I love him and I was starting to like the tetras but this broke me :c

The ''ich'' looks like if tiny crumbled food was over one fish, i thought it was that bc i just did a water change but no :c it looks like ich, how do i treat this? What's the best solution?
Thanks :-(
Two of my tetras seem to have ich, i was just stocking my tank and i was adding fish slowly, i only have 4 tetras and one dwarf gourami

ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm

i have an anubia nana and a marimo moss ball, the tank has been setup since 2 months ago, it is cycled. My gourami is healthy and has a GREAT personality, I love him and I was starting to like the tetras but this broke me :c

The ''ich'' looks like if tiny crumbled food was over one fish, i thought it was that bc i just did a water change but no :c it looks like ich, how do i treat this? What's the best solution?
Thanks :-(

I raise the temperature to about 84 F. That speeds up the life cycle of Ich. Then it can be killed with any number of Ich meds. I always go half strength when treating tanks containing delicate fish (like Neons). The last time I treated was about 6 months ago. I used a Tetra brand product called Ich Guard. I did 25 percent water changes daily before each new dose. It worked well.
I did the same thing, raised the temp to 84F and treated with Kordon Rid-Ich plus, which also works very well.
I found that i can treat with heat too, any advice? heat or medicine? They're eating fine and they act as usual. I don't want my gourami to get ich too :l
I found that i can treat with heat too, any advice? heat or medicine? They're eating fine and they act as usual. I don't want my gourami to get ich too :l

Try it and let us know if it works. I've heard of plain heat working, never tried it myself. Just keep an eye on the fish to make sure it doesn't get worse.
I found that i can treat with heat too, any advice? heat or medicine? They're eating fine and they act as usual. I don't want my gourami to get ich too :l

Try it and let us know if it works. I've heard of plain heat working, never tried it myself. Just keep an eye on the fish to make sure it doesn't get worse.

ok, I'll let you know:) I hope it works :/
I've heard of heat alone working, but I also heard that it is best to treat with a medication along with heat as heat only speeds the lifecycle up. I am unsure of which is accurate, but I treated with heat AND medication and my betta was back to normal in a couple of days. I continued the treatment for the recommended time as far as the med, and I have not seen a rebound of the parasite. I did this in conjunction with daily water changes and gravel vacuums.
i noticed my clown loaches all got infected by ich yesterday annoyingly by the time i found out what it was the shops had shut but i did up the temp but sadly we lost them all throughout the night going to get med today to treat the water to stop other fish getting infected, for some reason the worst looking one died last :S dono why that was

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