Two of my tetras seem to have ich, i was just stocking my tank and i was adding fish slowly, i only have 4 tetras and one dwarf gourami
ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm
i have an anubia nana and a marimo moss ball, the tank has been setup since 2 months ago, it is cycled. My gourami is healthy and has a GREAT personality, I love him and I was starting to like the tetras but this broke me :c
The ''ich'' looks like if tiny crumbled food was over one fish, i thought it was that bc i just did a water change but no :c it looks like ich, how do i treat this? What's the best solution?
ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm
i have an anubia nana and a marimo moss ball, the tank has been setup since 2 months ago, it is cycled. My gourami is healthy and has a GREAT personality, I love him and I was starting to like the tetras but this broke me :c
The ''ich'' looks like if tiny crumbled food was over one fish, i thought it was that bc i just did a water change but no :c it looks like ich, how do i treat this? What's the best solution?