Ich and fungus treatment?


New Member
Dec 2, 2004
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My tank has ich. I have lost about 5 fish. I am currently treating with salt, raised temp (about 80-84 degrees) and quick cure.

I have read that fin rot is caused by a fungus. Is it okay to treat with two meds at once or is it too much for the fish? Quite a few of the survivors have tail rot....or at least it seems to be.
What are you using to treat the rots?? Do not over dose it, make sure to read the directions.Tail rot can be caused by fungus also stress, what type of fish do you have in there? Have you tested your water?Do a water change (15%) to clear out the water if you get high readings.
Na, i wouldnt treat the fish with two treatments, bad idea. lol

If you raise the temps to treat the ich, or whitespot, and add the treatment for the finn rot. Sound good? That way you are treating both at once.
i had an ich infection a little while back in my 20g, i treated with ich away and after 2 treatments i began on melafix, i only lost one fish an di haven't had too many problems since.

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