Its back... just noticed 1 whitespot on my clownloach
I figure the sooner the better...
I want to turn up my temp but the Cherry barbs suffer in the heat
its at 82 now
had a weird heater malfunction and I looked at the tank and it was 87 2 mornings ago
killed 2 cherry barbs. they seem to have an upper limite of 82... so thats where I'm at
want to go higher,,,, maybe slowly?
just noticed some flashing,,,,very upset
I figure the sooner the better...
I want to turn up my temp but the Cherry barbs suffer in the heat
its at 82 now
had a weird heater malfunction and I looked at the tank and it was 87 2 mornings ago
killed 2 cherry barbs. they seem to have an upper limite of 82... so thats where I'm at
want to go higher,,,, maybe slowly?
just noticed some flashing,,,,very upset