Sugar coating and nicely nicely? I don't think so
Hello, I have had a ponder and I need a question or two answered.
I intend to get a very small glass tank that a nearby LFS sells. Off the top of my head I think it's about 1-2 gallons ( christ knows what fish they expect people to put in it ).
I have recently gone mad for little mossariums ( like terrariums but with moss naturally ) , and would like to do an aquatic version with the tank I mentioned, with Java moss and perhaps a smalll broken mossball I have.
I wasn't originally intending to have live inhabitants, and feel the tank is too small for shrimp. I do however have an INFESTATION of snails in my 12 gallon. Mostly little ramshorn and bladder/pouch snails. I have been dropping some into my 30 gal for my weatherloaches to munch on, but they have inevitably missed a few and these have grown to about half a centimetre, and their shells are white. They are pretty little things and I don't have the heart to kill the fully grown ones as I have become oddly attatched to these few.
I wondered how well these snails can live without filtration and a heater? I have a small area next to the 12 gallon to place the aforementioned tank, and only one plug socket left available ( already attatched to an extension so I can't add another ) which I will need for a clip on Arcadia light for the plants. This of course means I cannot have a filter or heater .
I already do 50% water changes on all 3 of my tanks, and this small addition will be no burden for me to include in this routine so their water will be refreshed weekly. If I need to do more frequent water changes then this is also no problem as I can just take a couple of jugfulls out and replace with fresh water. The room is not cold, and the light may also provide a little heat.
So, can they live comfortably in planted , unfiltered water at room temperature?
I intend to get a very small glass tank that a nearby LFS sells. Off the top of my head I think it's about 1-2 gallons ( christ knows what fish they expect people to put in it ).
I have recently gone mad for little mossariums ( like terrariums but with moss naturally ) , and would like to do an aquatic version with the tank I mentioned, with Java moss and perhaps a smalll broken mossball I have.
I wasn't originally intending to have live inhabitants, and feel the tank is too small for shrimp. I do however have an INFESTATION of snails in my 12 gallon. Mostly little ramshorn and bladder/pouch snails. I have been dropping some into my 30 gal for my weatherloaches to munch on, but they have inevitably missed a few and these have grown to about half a centimetre, and their shells are white. They are pretty little things and I don't have the heart to kill the fully grown ones as I have become oddly attatched to these few.
I wondered how well these snails can live without filtration and a heater? I have a small area next to the 12 gallon to place the aforementioned tank, and only one plug socket left available ( already attatched to an extension so I can't add another ) which I will need for a clip on Arcadia light for the plants. This of course means I cannot have a filter or heater .
I already do 50% water changes on all 3 of my tanks, and this small addition will be no burden for me to include in this routine so their water will be refreshed weekly. If I need to do more frequent water changes then this is also no problem as I can just take a couple of jugfulls out and replace with fresh water. The room is not cold, and the light may also provide a little heat.
So, can they live comfortably in planted , unfiltered water at room temperature?