I Was Told By The Fish Centre That...


New Member
Nov 26, 2007
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I was told by the fish centre to feed my new born platies hard boiled egg yolk when they are young, but they neevr seemed to survived long.

I kept them in a breeding net until they were big enough to survive my phantom tetra's mouth (the time before they ate them all!!!!) but no avail.

Has anyone heard of using hard boiled egg yolk for fry?!
I was told by the fish centre to feed my new born platies hard boiled egg yolk when they are young, but they neevr seemed to survived long.

I kept them in a breeding net until they were big enough to survive my phantom tetra's mouth (the time before they ate them all!!!!) but no avail.

Has anyone heard of using hard boiled egg yolk for fry?!

never heard that before, I would simply stick to liquifry and brineshrimp.
boiled egg yolk suspension-heard of it (recommended in one of my fish books, published i think about 4 years ago), but have not tried it. I'll try it with my next batch of guppy babies and see how it goes.
I think its the best thing ever, the only problem is that you have to change 50% the water basically after ever feed and make sure you have an over large sponge filter going. It screws up the water stats if your not careful.


All livebearers i have tried love it and so do most of the tetras.
I was still only changing the water 25%, so maybe that's what the problem was :rolleyes:

Thank you for the comments :D
Ye with boled egg yolk you need to remove wast food and do large water changes, this is why most people stick to crashed flake.
Upto now i have fed my fry tubifex, Crushed flake, daphina, baby brine shrimp, liquifry, and peas i try and give them a different serving everyday my fry are doing excellent and are growing very rapidily from 2 weeks old i have had some in a community tank

Just feed them the same as you would feed your adult fish only in smaller quantities and size
Egg yolk is old school, before hatching bbs was widely done. It does foul the water something nasty, finely crushed flake works as well, if not better due to the reduced water problems.

The best thing I have seen for crushing flake is a cheap electric coffee grinder, small battery powered job.
I have heard of egg yolk but never tried it because I figured it would foul the water. I used crushed flake also, but I found a better way of making it.

I put a teaspoon or so of flake (good quality stuff) in a small container and add double the amount of water. So if I used a teaspoon of flake, I use 10 ml of water. I use an eyedropper to mix it up. Then you suck it in and out of the eyedropper until the pieces of flake are tiny, it goes like soup. Keep adding more flake into there and making it into fine particles until you cannot get any more to go in with that amount of water. (Otherwise you get water with tiny, tiny pieces of flake dissolved - it fouls tank water like egg yolk.) It's economical too, fifty fry survive on 2ml of that stuff a day when they're young.
Upto now i have fed my fry tubifex, Crushed flake, daphina, baby brine shrimp, liquifry, and peas i try and give them a different serving everyday my fry are doing excellent and are growing very rapidily from 2 weeks old i have had some in a community tank

Just feed them the same as you would feed your adult fish only in smaller quantities and size

What is Tubifex? Is it available in England (just don't think I've seen it in my LFS) :rolleyes:
Upto now i have fed my fry tubifex, Crushed flake, daphina, baby brine shrimp, liquifry, and peas i try and give them a different serving everyday my fry are doing excellent and are growing very rapidily from 2 weeks old i have had some in a community tank

Just feed them the same as you would feed your adult fish only in smaller quantities and size

What is Tubifex? Is it available in England (just don't think I've seen it in my LFS) :rolleyes:

Tubifex in a worm that masses together, it's also called sludge worm.
The reason it's difficualt to get is that it loves in the worst place's possible and thrives in sewers........ and now go feed this to your fish!!!!!!!
This is why it has to be washed all the time to keep it clean.
What is Tubifex? Is it available in England (just don't think I've seen it in my LFS) :rolleyes:

It is usually only sold in a dried form, so you should find it next to the flake and other dried fish foods

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