I Want Want The Best Schooling Fish. Help!


New Member
Jan 7, 2008
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I really want some fish that will keep in a tight school. Can you offer ideas?

I have a 150 litre (40 US Gallon) tank. It is about 4 and a half feet long and 15 inches high and 15 inches deep. The tank is semi-planted, with 2 big areas of vegetation, mainly small planted bulbs with huge java ferns at each end. Most of the tank is open water, with a sandy substrate with some stones. Water quality is absolutely perfect and is maintained by a large external fluval with all the trimmings.

There's hardly anything in it atall, I only have 8 Rummynose Tetra on order, that i get on Friday.

I was just wondering what you'd advise really. I want small fish, well typical Tetra/Rasbora size, but i'm open to any suggestions.

Feel free to think outside the box and offer unusual suggestions if you like, i'm just keen on getting some nice big schools that will stick together as tightly as possible, as much as possible.

What do you think and how many as a minimum?
If you want tetras to school, put in 20 or 30 of them. Then they start to behave more naturally.
Get a large shoal of Hengel Rasbora. They stay small together and will contrast nicely with the rummy noses.

As the previous poster mentioned, get bigger shoals too. Ten minimum but more if poss.
I think two of the best shoaling species have already been said, Rummynose tetras or pretty much any rasbora species, As for numbers the larger the better
neons put on a fascinating display in large shoals reminds me of the dam busters :rolleyes: in a shoal of 25 - 30 they behave more naturally and shoall then create 2 shoals and then they will reform there brilliant then again so are harliquin rasboras

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