I Want To Sell Guppies


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2009
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See, me nad my friend are starting a buisness to sell guppies, we have everything planned out I MEAN EVERYTHING, but we just want to know where we could sell our guppies, does anybody have any ideas?

Fish? Check.

Ambition? Check.

Business Acumen? ... Nope!

Sorry, but I just find your post a bit weird.
Have to agree
Fish shops buy guppies for pennies so you would need to sell around 100 to make a couple of pounds, not only that you will need to breed good stock to be able to sell them
and from your stocking list ....... A VERY LONG TIME before you start making ££££££££
seriously, anyone can breed guppies, we dont give any credit to anyone who brings them in at work (world of water), we say "we'll take them off your hands, but thats the best we can do"

if u want to selectively breed a different strain then go for it, or you might have better luck with endlers
lol, basic market research should be number one on any business plan before anything else is brought or planned, you say you have everything planned, but without this information, its useless.

To be honest, selling mixed guppies will never make you any profits, its unlikely even to cover your costs.

Making money from breeding is possible, but you have to be very organised & breed selectively, choosing strains which are currently in high demand, unusual colours or tail types, the featherfin are selling for very good prices in the UK at the moment, I dont know what the US market is like. If you were to get yourself some high quality pairs from a breeder then you could have some success, but you would need loads of tanks, one for males, one for females, several breeding tanks, fry tanks etc.

Is aquabid american? It would be a good place for you to research.
i suppose if you bred them well you could stand a chance of selling them as quality feeder fish but then you'll have to feed them well etc so would loose more money. If you want to make money you'll have to go for something rare in my opinion. Look at different fish sites and see what they have for sale. if they have guppy's for like 2$ each then they'll be producing them in farms or whatever at probs 25Cents each or whatever even then not making hardly any profit. Plus if you're in a business you need tp pay a wage which would be very little of the guppy's .

As for thinking everything through your business plan should of gone into how you're going to sell the product and where too.

Re-think on the idea ...

1. Can we make a decent amount of money out of this?


End of plan


lol, basic market research should be number one on any business plan before anything else is brought or planned, you say you have everything planned, but without this information, its useless.

This is where you should have started. Find which species consistently sells well in your area and why.
There is a classified section on this forum, at the very least you could post there and see if anyone bites for them. (Make sure you follow the form you have to fill out or else the post will be removed!) All the comments about lack of demand above are valid, however, so good luck.
The only way that I have seen guppies sell at a decent price was when someone brought show quality or nearly show quality guppies to a club auction. At a club auction, you get people who realize that the guppy they are looking at is not the same as the ones they see in the LFS and they are willing to give a bit more for them. For common guppies, anyone who cares to keep them has too many and also can't unload them at their LFS.
I have just sold my excess guppies got 15p each from my LFS which just about covers food costs I should think :)

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