I want to raise baby snails but the eggs always..

Yes they do carey :thumbs:

Are u sure they arent just hatching ? dont forget when theyr new borns they are very tiny

Other than that it could be 1 of the fish eating them...
My boyfriend and I are also trying this out. How long does it take for the eggs to hatch? What do the baby snails eat? Any signs to look for that they actually have hatched or just died and floated away or whatever? Our snails are alone in a tank with no fish. Do snails eat snail eggs?? :S
I have never EVER had a problem with snails hatching, or fish eating them to the point of extinction (save puffers, botias, etc.) The ones that I have put out about 2 sacks of eggs a week. Now, granted, not all of them survive, but I have 3 botia striatas. There are several that do make it, but eventually my botias make up for it. :grr: This all started with just 3 snails, 3 weeks for maturity and population growth, and then I added the botias for population control. I just have them in my planted aquarium and see them on the leaves most of the time.
What type of snails are they? Apples snails ? (lay eggs above water) or Ramshorns (lay eggs below in like jelly sack) or another type?

Look forward to helping you as snails are cool!! :thumbs:
OH! I just looked in my tank thinking of how to reply to William and we've got babies!!!! :lol: Not a ton, but they're there. :) What is a proper snail diet?? How long can they live? My snails lay jelly sacks under water. Not sure what kind they are... The ones that pet stores fish tanks get infested with, ya know? :fun: Also, one of my snails has an egg sack thingy on its back! Is that normal??? 8) There is seeming to be a new sack at least every few days. Anything I can do for the new babies? Help is appreciated!! ;)
One or two snails like the 'Apple' - OK

....but your new 'sack' every few days (unless being eaten by something) will quickly become a pest/infestation......of ramshorn

an infestation (unless intentional -_- ) indicates poor water quality/overfeeding/lackof maintenance/excess food

Good luck - but shouldn't be too much trouble breeding. you wont need to feed them in an established tank - they eat anything, excess, waste etc. You make not see much of them as they tend to be mostly diurnal and spend most of the day buried in the substrate.



I am breeding intentionally (well, my boyfriend is). And like i said earlier, not all the sacks seem to be surviving. Guess i have ramshorns then. Are these a high demand type as feeders for puffers or anything? cause my boyfriend thinks hes going to be selling them. But I kno that our local fish stores wont even sell them cause they're considerd pests! :blink: Is my boyfriend nuts??? :S
lol - quite possibly ;)

Its one of those situations - if you keep someting like puffers then snails are a neccessary part of their diet (to keep teeth in check) and you cann't get enough of them. As a market I don't think there's a great demand - but maybe that depends where you're from (where? :unsure: )

...and if you do have them and nothing to keep numbers down eg botia species then they can quickly become a pest.....

If you keep puffers then I'd suggest a seperate tank where snail population can establish/proliferate without being eaten by other tank inhabitants...

Someone who wants snails :S :S

I am forever netting these little guys out of my tank. I can't stand them

Most fish will eat the eggs but some of the loaches and plecs will eat grown snails, which is why I am borrowing a clown loach from a friend shortly for a feast :thumbs: :nod:
If you want a convenient food for the snails try Spirilum(algae) disks. We feed it our Ramshorns and they love it, will hog it from the fish in the tank and not give it up until their full, makes them grow like weeds. I also found that they like lettuce, I imagine cucumber/zucchini would work as well.

Don :p

:S Sorry this is so long in answer, but..

I live in Sacremento CA.
Do plecs really eat them? :huh: Could I toss a couple in the tank and see? :look: Or do I risk infestation that way? :blink:
I dont have puffers at the moment (after the disaster I had with my last ones), but maybe eventually Im going to try again.
Thanks~ :thumbs:
I think all bottom feeders eat the eggs. I had ONE snail in my 55 gallon when I set it up this January and it had babies (they can do that without a partner ;o) and then we had about a dozen babies and they all had babies and so on, but the Cory cats keep them in check pretty well. If you have a large tank like 55 gallon then I would suggest at least 6 Cories because they are rather small fish. I have a Bloody Parrot, man do I love that little guy he's the CUTEST, and he charges at the snails. It is sad that he cannot eat them because it looks like he wants to!!!

I can't imagine anyone wanting to breed snails?#**&!!#! Moreover, I can't imagine having a problem with getting them to multiply by the thousands ;o) ;o) ;o)



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