I Want To Make A Pico Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2008
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many people are telling me to make a 5 gallon pico reef tank with a azoo palm filter.
but my question is
that all of my reef tanks have established biological systems and established deep sand beds so i dont have to change water at all.
but with a pico tank wont the azoo palm filter eventually become a nitrate factory and is there a small enough protien skimmer availible in the market cuz i,m not a hige fan of doing saltwater water changes.but am a freshwater wc maniac.
P.S: still want a pico tank no matter what.
you will have to do a lot of water changes on a pico and top ups every day.

You always have to do water changes on a marine tank as corals use up the elemenst in the water. So you either do a water change or test every element and dose them in. Water changing is easier. Evaporation on a pico will make a massive difference on the salinity so you will have to check this and asjust daily.

Theres no such thing as a low maintaince marine tank, nanos and picos are even more high maintainace as they have such a low margin for error

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