I want to kill my mom!!!



Thanx, I'll most likely go the rubber maid route and make that my sump.

As for snails/crabs. I heard that it's 1 fighting conch per 50 gallons. Should I get more?

Same thing for a Cleaner Shrimp or should I get more than 1?

My sandbed I have decided will be made of 2.5'' of fine Aragonite.

Thanx for all the help, especially GL. You answered all my questions in one go :eek:
Beezer. You are in Windsor? There is a Frag swap going on a week from Saturday in Detroit. You must go. The folks you will meet there are some of the friendliest around. They can help you out immeasureably.

You can PM me for details.

Well not really...

There was a beautiful pure red delta tale male at Petco. His fins were crowntail too.... I have been looking for either or for a long time and then I find a betta with both!?!?!?! I had no money with me and she wouldn't lend me the 3.99. So, no betta for me. I felt so bad because all of the other bettas were dieing or already dead. A beautiful cambodian was dead and a marbled had velvet, was bloated and stuck in a standing up position and was still alive. I wanted to get him out of there before he died too. But I didnt get to. :sad:

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