I want to change my gravel without stress!


New Member
Feb 14, 2004
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In a few weeks time i want to change my gravel in my tank, now to do this i will need to take all my water and fish out of the tank, has anyone got any good steps or ideas on how to do this without causing stress to the fish, any ideas would be much appreciated! :thumbs:
I don't think there is any way to do it without stressing the fish. There is plenty of good bacteria in the gravel that will suddenly disappear adding to the bioload of the tank. I have been trying to figure out the easiest way to change the gravel because I really hate the gravel in my oldest tank.
I've never done it, but want to change the gravel to sand... I ran across this from another forum:

Purchased a new plastic dustpan and soaked it in boling water for five minutes.

Removed 50% of the water to allow easier removal of the gravel.

Used the clean dustpan to remove 50% of the gravel.

Divided the tank into two using a length of tubing.

Placed (thoroughly washed) sand onto bare tank in one big pile.

Re-filled tank with de-chlorinated water

Repeated process after 1 week testing water params daily.

Basically, i would vouch for this method for the following reasons:-

1: You are not replacing all your gravel (containing beneficial bacteria) in one go.

2: You do not have to remove occupants - less stressful on the fish

3: The new sand placed in the tank has a chance for some baterial colonies to form in it.

You may find that removing 50% of the gravel creates quite a bit of mess in the tank...i placed some new filter floss and a polyfilter in my tank to both help clear the tank and to provide a safety net for any detiorating water conditions (there weren't any).
Keep in mind that I have not tried the above process... this was the method used by someone else. But it sounds like a pretty good approach to me.
:fish: Have to admit I did mine(5foot) all in one go, most of the beneficial bacteria is in the filter.
I put most of the old tank water into several brewing buckets(4gal) and added the fish and heaters, plants went into wet newspaper and plastic bags. If you use a dustpan then drill holes in the bottom to let out the water when you remove the gravel.siphon out the rest of the water and clean the tank with paper towels before putting in wellwashed sand. Fill the tank to about one third and add plants(if you have them). Add most of the old tank water and fish then top up with warmed dechlorinated tap water.
Add heaters and filters and don't overfeed your fish for the next 2-4 weeks.
If you want you can put a net bag full of gravel in the tank for a week or two to help seed the sand :D
only used sand once....in a 2' tank........needs lots and lots of hoovering as otherwise looks like an uncleaned toilet. :D
really liked the idea of using a net bag baby fish, may be a mixture of the two methods would work?
;) this is always stressful to the fish.......and to you.....cos your fish won't be happy....but good luck..xx.

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