i want to breed upside down catfish

Catfish Fanatic

Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2004
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the only posible bredding tank will be a storage been or a gold fish bowl how can i make it happen :no:
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section.

How many tanks do you have?

Are you planning on breeding the cats in the storage bin, or moving the eggs there?

I would not suggest using a bowl, since fry do not do well in them.

Have you researched the breeding porcess already? Do you have these fish?
i plan on breeding in the bin and yes i have five upside down cats extreamly active wich is very odd cus the first two i got never came out but when added the last three they just run around like crazy and ill be introducing my self shortly
Upside-down catfish are schooling fish, that's why they didn't show up when you had two of them. Schooling fish need a group or they may for example become very shy, just like yours. So good thing you got more of them. ;)

I understand breeding upside-down catfish is difficult. The article on them at Planet Catfish has some info that might be useful. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll find a small section on breeding.
i have one ten galon tank and getting 20 for christmas but soon ass mom can shes gona get rid of the ten so im gona breed fish in a storage been on our back porch hope the temptiure drop dosent cill them cus this is a bad winter and raise them in ten gallon till they are safe enough for the 20 i love fishy :fish: :wub:
ok um u cant jsut get fish to breed in a ''storage bin'' especially outside... you really need a proper dedicated tank
i dont know the details of breeding upside catfish, but if there like some fish, you will need a dedicated tank. Some fish require an exact environment and water parameters to stimulate breeding, this may be hard to do in your storage bin. If you really are keen on breeding these fish, i think you will have to buy a proper tank.

I am sorry to say but you plainly have no idea how to keep fish, let alone how to breed them.

Upside down catfish are TROPICAL in that they need proper tempers and SHOULD NOT be kept outside in a storage bin [of all things].

They are NOT goldfish and since you make mention to a goldfish bowl that's most likely what you had beforehand.

You also make mention of a cool winter snap chilling them, most likely since they are TROPICAL they'll die off unless you have a heater within the storage bin and since it is most likely plastic I doubt that.

In a storage bin you can NOT see any viruses or illness that is effecting the fish. You can therefore will most likely NOT treat anything that may be serious in time. Therefore they will die off.

If you want to raise fish in a storage bin, get a heater, and some guppies or danios. At least then they'd have a better chance of surviving in your conditions and possibly reproducing.

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