I Want To Be Asian


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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OK I have a betta I am setting up a tank for him. It will be a 20Gal with sand and lots of live plants. I might even do CO2 and just go plant crazy.

A friend is going to give me 4 Pygmy Corys for a tank I do not use. All my fish are South American all but the betta and Buffalo head Cichlid. I want to try and keep just asian fish like loach and Danio with my betta. I was going to put the pygmy corys with the Discus and my other 8 corys. I was looking at getting Danio erythromicron, Boraras cf. merah "Coffee Bean Rasbora", OR Danio margaritatus "galaxy Danio" Then I would get a few Yunnanilus sp. "Burmese Rosy Loach". Or since the " Rosy Loach" look like Pygmy Cory I would get a few more of them and one group of schooling fish the Danio erythromicron or "Galaxy Danios" Are my fav. But what one would be better for mid level swimers?

Give me some Ideas for small Asian fish that would work with a betta?

If you have any info on the fish I listed do tell. Thanks.

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