I Want To Add Two Diamond White Angels!


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
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I have a great community tank at the moment & want to add 2 angels that are on offer from another user of this forum:-

My Community:-

2xDwarf Gourami
1xBlack Molly
4xSiamese flying foxes
3xClown loach
6xNeon Tetra
5xCheery Barb
1xBN Plec

Tank is 125L Juwel Rio. Externally overfiltered, well established with spot on water quality.

cheers in advance
How tall is the tank? I know little about angels, but they do get very tall/deep and need a tank that reflects that. Someone else can give you more info.
Hi yeah as said the height of the tank is most important these can get pretty tall and big fishes your looking at around 6 inches each way at least as adults. Diamond whites are one of my favorites as well they are lovely :)

Your tank is pretty well stocked at the moment IMO, how long has it been set up? My first bit of advice would be to swap the clown loaches for a smaller species more suited to your tank size like zebra loaches or pygmy chain loaches. Also when you say catfish which catfish? It could be all sorts.

An other thing to consider with angels is, in the wild neon tetra is popular dish for them so you will need to consider that when you add them. The other fish that could conflict or push your stocking are the dwarf gourami, which some people report having problems with when mixing them with angels and also the Siamese Flying Fox there are a few species they could be some are peaceful and some are quite nasty do you knwo the scientific name for them?

I think with the above taken into consideration you could be okay with them but most of it depends on the height of the tank.

You've got a lot of stock on your tank. It might well be tall enough for some angels but there are so many fish in there at the moment that I wouldn't be surprised if you get disease outbreaks at some point from the stress of overcrowding, especially when those fish start to mature and get bigger.

With angels you are looking at 6-8 inches tall minimum (hence the need for a tall tank) and around 5-6 inches long (so still need quite a long tank). The clown loaches will exceed a foot and need to be in a 5-6 foot tank minimum. The catfish, depending on what it is, might well need a 4 foot + tank (if it's a synodontis, they tend to need about 40 gallons). Siamese flying foxes also get too big once they are mature and could well fight between them.

If you took these guys back to the store you would have a lovely community with the molly, platy, tetras, barbs, plec and gourami.

If you want to keep them all, get a 6 foot tank and add the larger fish, along with a couple of angels, to that.

Sorry to give you bad news, mate.
Not so much bad news as a learning curve. My tank with various different stock has bee setup for 2.5 years now. Dissapointed that i can't have the angels in their & also dissapointed in the advice i have always taken from my LFS as regrads to stock. I always give the tank & stocking info to them before adding a new species. So far i have been told that all is OK. How wrong can one be :-(

Would two angels be OK on there own in another tank? I do have this option, possible of another setup, especially for the angels.


Whats the minimun tank size for na pair of angels??

Hi Andy,

Whenever we have newcomers, especially if they've been in the hobby for a while, there's often a shock at how different a lot of the information is as compared to their previous sources, typically their LFS or perhaps a friend or relative or two.

What you've stumbled on at TFF is somewhat unusual, a large collection of hobbyists, many of whom have long experience in the hobby and even more of whom have developed an open attitude about sharing information with an eye to slowly improving it. The range of experience is wide and some of it pretty amazing.

What most of us have realized after a point is that the info here is orders of magnitude more useful and directed than the things we might have been hearing from our previous sources and so many of us have come to regard TFF as our information source and we are quite careful to be wary of information from other sources, particularly in the retail setting. Its not to say that good information can't come from that sourse, its just that most of us now find it best to run it by our friends here prior to accepting it. Its also not to say the info here is always right by any mean. Its a forum afterall and one needs to give it time and multiple opinions and to gain experience with it to make it the most useful.

A 29/30 US gallon with a 17 inch height is generally regarded as pretty much the minimum starting size that could handle a pair of angels and of course its even better to go up from there.


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