I want to add more fish


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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I have a 33 g and my fish is in my sig. My question is since most of the big fish in my tank are mid and bottom dwellers, I would like to fill the top with fish that is not too big(not more than 2" in adult size) and are not fin nippers. I was thinking of getting maybe 2-4 black phantom tetras or tiger barbs(little risky) also i want some colors too so if you guys have any suggestions please be free to post your ideas :D . Plus do you think that I'll be overstocking my tank if I get 2-4 more small fishys?
Hey thecichlidaddict would my cichlids get along when they reach their full size right now there's no real agression, my blue acara doesn't really bother with the firemouth or the severum, but the severum would sometimes chase the firemouth but would not really nip, I was thinking getting the tiger barbs, but i'm worried that they may start nipping my cichlids. I noticed that your from T.O. where do get your fish and supplies? I used to go to PJ's but most of their staff isn't really interested on telling you how to take care of the fish so I switch to Big Al's which I find have a way more knowledgeable staff and more healthier fish...

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