I Want Sumthin Werid


Fish Crazy
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
New Eltham
i hve a 25g tank got 2 corys 6 cardinals 1 pleco and 4 glow lights init i have abt 8/9iches left of fish nd i want something werid or realli kl like a shark but i dnt want other fish upset

any suggestions

Dont get a red tailed shark. You will regret it when it gets bigger. They are really aggressive. :)
i want something a litttle more exciting. already got a red finned shark. in its own tank. had a shrimp but has just died. got a clown loach that is wicked and a kiss gourmani
As i said before, what are the tank dimentions? This could determine what fish you get!
Dragon Goby doesn't go there. He's brackish. I made that same mistake :S
I'd go for... hmmmmm.....

a 25 gallon huh.....

oddball.... mmmmm.....

There's really nothing that "odd" that comes to mind for that range with those fish, unless you wanna dish out $50+ for a specialty pleco.

The best shark Like fish you could have is the False Flying Fox, a very great addition to most any tropical tank that has no other shark like fish in it. It minds its own biss, and none of your other fish will bug it. It'll do fine in almost any 25.
Glass catfish grow to 4-6 inches and you need a school of at least 6; these are fish that really can pine away and die if left alone. So no space for those, I'm afraid.

Tbh, before looking into additions, it is always a good idea to review the current stocking first. In your case, there is a pair of corys who would get a lot more entertaining if they had a couple of mates. I would start there and count another couple of inches in for more mates.

Then there is the plec. Do you know what species he is? How big is he going to grow and how soon? Have you got plans for what to do if he outgrows the tank (if he is a common or sailfin he will, and soon). You may have 8 inches left at the moment, but how long is that going to last? (also, plecs count for more than their inches, due to their messiness).

If you want another addition, it had better not be too large or messy. My inclination would be to leave it. But maybe you could fit a False flying fox in, if you have a contingency plan for the plec.
Goo Obo Gudgeon i like these thy look werid would this be ok on its own or does it need more partners

my tank dimensions are 46x31x81 = HxDxL
oh and the pleco i have is less then an inch at the mo but i no he will grow very big thts why the lfs said tht i am able to bring him bk if i dnt get a bigger tank by then i hav taken in his fully grown size which is abt 7/8 inches which i kno is too big for my tank but i will take him bk if he gets too big ..

the glass catfish arent exactly exciting really. they just swim against the current. they are very peaceful fish though and do some strange things sometimes :p

how many corys do you think a tank should have then?
that gudgeon does look nice. sensitive to nitrates though, so you'll need to keep up with the water changes

pauldredge, I'd say 3 is a minimum with corys, but more is better, they are just so much more active in a group, clearly so much happier
sorry for crashing your post here :p

will get my self a couple more corys then tomorrow with a couple more little things :D

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