i want some babies


New Member
Sep 26, 2004
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hi all

my mum just brought a new tank and she says i can try to breed some babies in it :D

we already have a juwel 180 and we are going to move some platy's and guppies into the new tank which is a trigon 350

i need to know from you guys which other fish we should put in that won't eat too many of the babies if we have any.

the fish we already have are

6 neons
2 clown loaches
2 upside down catfish
1 plec, we don't know what sort but hes about 3 inches long with a big spot on his back (he's called domino) :wub:
3 big round fish which mum thinks might be called silver dollars or something, i know these are evil cus i saw one eat one of my neons when they were little :(
i ghost knife fish :rolleyes:

also any suggestions as to any other fish we could add


hattie (age9)
silver dollars and the knife fish will definately eat the fry

I would keep the platies and guppies in the 180 and use the 350 for your bigger fish like the silver dollars.

pretty much any fish will eat fry if they are hungry - even the parents. As long as you keep the tankmates well fed, and have plenty of hiding places, some fry should survive

How about this

platies and guppies (1 male to 3 females)
at least 6 cory's
some otocinclus
plenty of plants and hiding places

silver dollars
knife fish
clown loaches
upside down catfish
maybe some silver sharks or large gourami's
thanks fraservet,

i was thinking of putting the guppys and platys in the new tank but it makes much more sense to do it your way

You could always get yourself a little tank for the fry to grow up in.......... :D
That would definitely be worth it. :nod: Invest in another tank in which the fry can be brought up without fear of being eaten.

:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section.
If you want to breed, you will end up with more tanks for growing them up! I started breeding platies as well, but now I am into many species to breed and number of tanks are multiplying like crazy... :lol:

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