I want my corys to breed !!!


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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Hey i got 4 leopard corys. i want them to breed. what kind of environment do they need.

my 4 ft tank only has one big amazon sword and one planted driftwood. soon im gonna be buying more plants.
OK, the easiest way to get cories to breed, is to have them in a species only tank.

First off, start out by feeding them nice meaty foods, bloodworm etc.

then after a three or four week conditioning, do a 50% water change during a rainstorm, and kick the temp down on your tank six or seven degrees.

preform 50% water changes daily for up to a week, or until you see signs of breeding.

No snails in the tank, or they will eat the eggs.

Basically they either will or won't breed. Some people can get them to breed consistantly, others have no luck at all ever.

No dont do what charm tell you. Ur Cory will die before they can even mate :( if you do what he said. Leave them in a normal tank with nice soft substrate and ph should be arround 6.5 with planty of plants and rock. They will pair up them self and laid egg on the rock. Also water should be kept arround 80 during this period of time. And a 25% water change should be made weekly like usuall. For more information go to our forums fish index :).
no charmd2 was very much right. The only thing diffrent i would say is water changes to a lesser degree. Like 25% every 2 days. To much water change to sudden can be harmful. and they are trigger spawners. Meaning they will be triggered to spawn by the water changes. Cory do not pair off And they do not need a flat rock to spawn on like most cichlids. Not saying they are there just a species that need flat rocks. At least some. :)
I think IMCL85 Is just confused of what a cory is. And thinks its some kinda cichlid :rofl:
IMCL....what are you talkin about, charmd2 was very correct, if you have not bred them yourself, you shouldnt correct others why MAY have bred them, even if charmd2 didnt, the info was very correct
Wow, nice to know the majority agrees I'm right. Lots of patience reading the board over the last year learning from the experts.

Nope never bred them. However I may have inadvertantly lost many batches of eggs. (My cories live in a definate community tank full of nasty guppies, plants and snails, frequently show signs of t-ing up, but I have yet to ever actually see any fry.)

And the cories won't die if you follow this conditioning. They are some of the toughest little guys around. (excluding panda's)

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