I want clown loaches!!!


Fish Herder
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Chester, UK
Hi guys, :D

I seriously want to add three clown loaches to my 30 gallon tank (4' x 1' x 1.5')which is fully cycled (...ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 25-30, PH 7 - 7.5, temp 26 degrees). The tank is running with a fluval 203 external canister and the water is crystal clear.

I presently have: -

4 gourami (2 opaline, 2 three spot)
2 blue rams
4 platys
4 leopard corys
2 sucking loach/CAE

The CAE are going back to the LFS (they seem to keep fighting with my rams and I also now realise from research that they grow pretty damn big too) to thats 2 down.

i know the clowns can grow to about 6" each but do you think I would have room for them to be "happy" or would I be overcrowding? -_-

If the water quality would be the only issue then I am happy to buy another filter (thinking of getting a fluval 2+ internal)

all advices or suggestions hugely appreciated.


sorry your tank is way too small for clown loaches
thanks Wolf.

not to be ignorant but.......too small or too full?

if it really is too small at 4 feet long what size tank am i looking at to be able keep some clowns?


too small
the general consensus is at least 55 gallons for small clowns going up to at least 70 gallons for 6" speciamins and above.
I have 4 in a 72 gallon and I'm already starting to think this tank is not going to be big enough for them.
I thought that loaches get to about 12" in an aquarium? If so then they'll hardly be able to turn around in there.
thanks again Wolf.

time to start saving the pennys then (and to get rid of some furniture to fit a new tank in!! :D )


Yea, I really want some clown loaches as well but I only have a 30 gallon too. Everytime I go to the LPS I see them and want to take all of them home! But I know they will outgrow my tank and be very unhappy/unhealthy because of it. I'll wait until I get a bigger tank to get some clown loaches. Maybe 3 in a 75 would do well? :nod:

I have a 4 small loaches in a 29 gallon. I got them knowing that eventually, I will need a bigger tank. No big deal since I've wanted a larger tank from the beginning. Since you seem like a caring fish keeper, I don't see the harm in getting the loaches now and upgrading your tank later when they get larger.

My LFS says when they reach 4", you should get at least a 60 to 75 gallon. He also says in the 20 years he's been in business, he's never seen a c-loach larger than 8" in aquaria regardless of tank size. He's seen an 11", but it was imported from it's original habitat.

Also, I see lots of people who have lots of stuff in the tank other than fish. Makes for a great looking tank, but where's the swimming room? :blink: Does that add or take away from the room issue?

Out of curiosity, does anyone here own a clown loach larger than 6"? I would love to see a pic since I've never seen them larger than 4". How tall are they at that size?
He could get the loaches and upgrade to a larger tank later, but he must be positive he will have the funds to upgrade to a larger tank once the fish start to outgrow it's current one. :nod:
Clown loaches rarely reach 12" even in large aquariums. 12" is what they can attain and often in the wild.

In the aquaria even a sizable home one ~ 100 UK gals, they are probably going to reach 8-9".

I have 5 in my largest tank...they are great fellas unfortunate thing about being so susceptible to white spot though.
This might sound a little off, but I really thought that my 55 gallon was 48"x12"x18" Am I wrong? If this is the case, then doesn't he have a 55 gallon and not a 30 gallon?
You are correct US gallons wise pnyklr3 Not bad for small clowns, most are in much smaller tanks.

[EDIT: I make that 169L 44 US gallons, 38 UK gallons}

Am I wrong but I have been told by many that clown loaches only grow an inch a year.

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