I dont have a clue when it comes to rats. JackDemp528 will help you out when she comes on tomorrow. Sorry I have never had a rat for a pet..
My dad has bred them off and on for a long while, as pets and food. They are curious little creatures! Some act like mini dogs and will walk on a leash or ride on your shoulder, but not all. Handling them from a very young are helps.
yeah i thought it would be cool to get one or two but i never reall thought what would go into it..... i can get a large dog cage from my G/F .. i'll gust put some different levels in it and such. i think it would work good
I have a single female rat called Maggie she is great.Only had her 4 months, I am in the process of trying to handle her but at the moment all she will let me do is tickle behind her ears the minute i go to pick her up she runs away. :rofl: I guess i will have to keep trying. Maggie is my first rat she just loves to eat pasta , hard boiled egg and small pieces of toast. I know that you sould keep them in pairs but she is very happy on her own and gets lot of attention. She lives in a huge glass cage with a rope and flower pot to play with. Just a word of warning rats can be very smelly sometimes i have to clean her out every couple of days. But dont let that put you of rats can be great pets. Hope this helps feel free to ask me any more questions.
Heres a picture of her doing what she does most of the time sleep :wub:

maggie sounds awesome!!! lol! although i guess the more you handle her the more accostomed to you she will become. so keep tyring. i don't mind the cleaning and stuff. i just want a pet that's different than just cats and dogs if you understand. not that i don't like cats and dogs! lol! i have 4 cats now, and my mom wants a dog.... well i have just come across 2 diegos , with a cage, for $20. maybe i'll go for that.... i kinda still want a rat though.....lol ! thanks for the help!!!
rats are great!im no expert but my sis has had a few and males seem to be alot more tamer only trouble is they wee alot lol :*)
I'm tired so I'll make a quick list lol.

1. Pelleted diet such as: Oxbow (the best), Kaytee rat block, Mazuri. Seed mixes are junk and they pick out the high fat seeds. Very Unhealthy
2. Wire cage. It's better for ventilation then an aquarium and cuts down the chances of respiratory problems later in life
3. No wooden beddings. Use a recycled newspaper bedding like: Yesterday's News or CareFresh. These absorb urine and odors much better, and do not have strong sents from any wood oils. This also cuts down on chances of respiratory problems.
4. Dark leafy greens as treats instead of high sugar treats and fruits. It's better for their digestion and they seem to like it just as much.
5. Multilayered cages are good, rats like to climb.
6. Consider spaying or neutering. Males urine is a lot less smelly and it decreases the chances of tumors, especially ovarian tumors in females. You can also keep males and females together then too!

K, I think that's it :D
I need to keep trying to handle Maggie had a go last night and the little urchin bit me. It hurt a lot but i am not going to give up and let her win. I still love her. Anybody got any taming tips LOL.
this is my first post in months

I have had rats my whole life they are great pets. Try and get more than 1 because they are very social. Also, Kaytee lab blocks are no good. sunflower seeds are okay but only as a snack. make sure the wire spacing on your cage is small enough ( they can squeeze through almost anything. and if the cage has a wire floor cover it with something like a towel or piece of cardboard so they don't hurt their feet. Aspen bedding is OK but DO NOT GET CEDAR OR PINE they cause respiratory problems. Carefresh is a great bedding but there are some other good ones. Don't get a run around ball because it makes rats feel trapped and they don't like that. They love little hammocks to sleep in and they like cardboard and paper as toys. You don't need to spend a lot of money on toys.

If you need more info check out these links
Ratsrule forum

Another info site

Subee's rat diet (my rats love it and its healthier then pet store foods

The dapper rat (good info and ideas for toys)

As for taming rats you'll want to get some yogurt treats and don't pick your rat up just stick your hand in the cage and let them get used to you. then give them some treats. eventually you can pick 'em up but never grab them by their tail ( it can rip the skin off of it.)
That's all for now.

Edit number one

Rats cannot digest alfalfa and many companies include this in their mixes, they also include corn which can contain mold.

:S I just read that link, I can't believe people feed their rats dog food as a main source of food. :crazy: There is so much contradicting info online, it's hard to give advice because there is always something or someone that says different. :no:

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