I want a marine Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2003
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Well there is a great marine store not to far from where I live, as I am constantly ranting about :rolleyes: And I always see sea horses and crabs and shrimp and all these species of fish I didn't even see on the great barrier reef :thumbs: and I would absolutely love them in my fish tank!! There prices are factory direct and they have great advice :thumbs:

I am not sure where I will put the tank, but thats unimportant :fun:

My real question is, how much do you think I could get away with paying minimum for a 50 gallon tank, Australian dollars please :D

And how much would I get on the internet for a filter and a skimmer for say a 50 gallon tank?

It might be best buying from the store, does the internet offer much in the way of prices?

Oh and could someone help clarify the purpose of a skimmer to me please?

I just need to know these things before I start thinking about getting a marine aquarium

Henry :fun:
The only thing I'd want to say is that most of what I have read advises against newbies keeping seahorses and many say that they should be kept in a species tank.

I see that there have been no rpelies to this, maybe you should put it in the Marine section where the right people will look at it. There may even be some pinned topics.

Oh and a reason there'll be some thiat you haven't even seen on the GBR is because people have been stealing them and putting them in fishtanks.

Good Luck
If the store that you like is really great they should be more then happy to explain all the things that you will need and give you a price breakdown. I'd make an appointment to get a real education from them if I were you. :)

www.bigalsonline.com has great prices on filters. I would also advise against sea horses. They should be kept in a species only tank. The are very slow moving and difficult to feed. Before you start the SW tank i suggest you begin reading a TON about how they are kept. People invest thousands of dollars in SW tanks.

A skimmer is used to export waste and unwanted elements in the water.
yes, I don't really want a seahorse anyway they don't move very much. Yeah i'll go to the store and ask about it. I was wondering how they get marine fish and then I noticed something. All the adult fish have some sort of injury, they have been hurt out in the reef and therefore they took them. Not that they would have died out there. Then they have been bred... I really wanted to see what prices I can pick up off the net, thanks impur, thanks guys :thumbs:

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