I want a green Betta!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2005
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Milwaukee, WI
Usually when I see a Betta the take home reason is souly on personality. I love the way they turn their little heads to look at you. Mine are always so excited to see me....like little dogs that live in water...lol. But when I saw a green Betta I was all :hyper: !!!! I really want one. unfourtunatley I cannot find any in the area of Wisconsin I live in. If anybody knows where I could locate one without having to pay an arm and a leg pls help! I can't stop thinking about how pretty they are!!! I went on a Betta website, and they were selling Bettas for 80 dollars :crazy: ! Is that normal?
Hey, hi!
I live in Madison - and they have them here occasionally - at AniMart.

I'm assuming that you're old enough to have your driver's license and could come up here to pick one up if/when I find one for you?
I could run over to AniMart tomorrow nite after work and see what they have.
They have tons of veil tails, crowntails and doubletails there.

Maybe you could PM me your phone number and I could give you a call and let you know if/when I find one??

I'm always doing wellness checks, you know.....

OH- and the crowntails are 6 dollars there.
The veils are 4, and I think the doubletails are 5.
Have any preference as to what kind?
"like little dogs that live in water"



that is so true ;)
Like this?


My first betta was a bluey green colour, he was beautiful, but he died :(
i have had two green Gus was partialy green (see avatar) and my DT is green ..i find um at walmart haha
:alien: I WAS LOOKING FOR LIKE WHAT ALLIX POSTED. YOU GUYS ARE SO FUNNY! My Wallmart only carries all white, red, or blue Bettas ( sometimes a variation of all three, but that is about it ). I would love to have a Canary yellow one. BETTA MOMMA. I live in Milwaukee. Just moved here form Chicago. Isn't Madison pretty far from me? Hrmmm....?
BettaMomma said:
Hey, hi!
I live in Madison - and they have them here occasionally - at AniMart.

I'm assuming that you're old enough to have your driver's license and could come up here to pick one up if/when I find one for you?
I could run over to AniMart tomorrow nite after work and see what they have.
They have tons of veil tails, crowntails and doubletails there.

Maybe you could PM me your phone number and I could give you a call and let you know if/when I find one??

I'm always doing wellness checks, you know.....

OH- and the crowntails are 6 dollars there.
The veils are 4, and I think the doubletails are 5.
Have any preference as to what kind?
:thumbs: I'll take just about anything green at the moment, but I don't have a Crowntail. I think they are very pretty. So if you find one, and it is in great shape. Might be worth the drive? I have never even seen a Crowntail in any of the local petstores in Chicago or Milwaukee. The first time I saw one was on this site...lol. Yes, I am 23. I am able to drive out there. But it would have to be a weekend. I'll PM you my phone number sometime this evening. THANKS!
red_fish_blue_fish said:
:alien: I WAS LOOKING FOR LIKE WHAT ALLIX POSTED. YOU GUYS ARE SO FUNNY! My Wallmart only carries all white, red, or blue Bettas ( sometimes a variation of all three, but that is about it ). I would love to have a Canary yellow one. BETTA MOMMA. I live in Milwaukee. Just moved here form Chicago. Isn't Madison pretty far from me? Hrmmm....?
Madison is less than an hour away :)
Okay, so....
I'll go to AniMart sometime during this week.
I'm not really sure what I'd do with him if I saw one until I was able to transport him to you - so maybe i'll go look on Friday or Saturday.
If I spot one, I'll give you a call.

Sound good?

I know this one looks kinda bluish but something on this order with green on it is what I'm thinking I might be able to find: (he won't be solid green probably something mixed in w/black)...

They have gorgeous fish there.
Dang, I looked on a map, and madison is FAR!!! I am umm (embarrased a little) breastfeeding right now. I don't think I could be gone that long. I pump, but my 2.5 month old is a piggy...lol. I don't know what to do...could we mail him safely? How would I pay you...maybe I should just keep looking... :(
-_- less than an hour!? Maybe I am confused...okay, I am off of 27th and loomis in Milwaukee. What is the add to the pet store so I can see how far this is... ( finds WI confusing)
I'm not completely opposed to driving down to Milwaukee to deliver him :)
I could just make a Johnson Creek drive and then go a little farther - not a biggie!

I did find a couple of them yesterday at PetWorld - they're more turquoise than they are green. I didn't get them because I wasn't certain they would be green enough. One of them was a crowntail!

Also.... there was one that was like that red/shiny green one - his body was mostly that really metallic green and his fins and stuff were mostly red. He was really pretty too.

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