ive had my bird for 3yrs but this breed can live for 30yrs
she starts screeming at meal times and at night which can be fustrating i dont bother to cover her over as she can still hear us and it makes her worse. shes good at night though sleeps from 9pm to 7am.
i did a lot of reserch like you are before deciding if this type of breed would fit in to my life, i work from home so she has me for company most of the day. when we go away i have a family member stay at my house because she cant be left alone for more than half a day. i know when we are away she pines for us because my mum says she goes off her food. i dont clip her wings as she comes out to fly around while i clean her cage out every night, and shes very messy seeds and poop every where, i have got her to poo on news paper though. good luck with the reserch.