I want a betta


Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
I think I want to get a betta, they are so pretty...... I have a 10 gal with 3 guppies....could a betta go in there, or are these fish not compatible?
mine lives with 4 guppies and they get along, the betta does chase them now & then, but they don't seem to mind , they're so preoccupied with each other they hardly notice him at all ( I think that's why he chases them) they refuse to accept his authority :rolleyes: :lol:
Thanks.....I am glad, I need something to add more beauty to that tank.

I'm debating on going to the (not so) LFS today...they got a fresh shipment of angels in yesterday....& they always have pretty bettas.

:crazy: Ok...kids fighting...again

...I got to go get my kids ready for Day care...mom needs a time out!!
I just went there today and bought an awesome awesome dwarf cichlid, he's tiny (TINY) and missing an eye but I couldn't resist him and I had to beg the owner to sell him to me, he's apparantly been there for 8 months( I never noticed him before,they have so much) and he wasn't for sale but I promised to take care of him :lol: , now he's wandering around the new tank with the gouramis and they keep blindsiding him (literally) -_- but he sticks up for himself, which is a good thing :thumbs:
But the stock of angels is quite large, they had a pretty calico type one that was really interesting to look at,have fun :D
Well I didn't get to make it over there today :( ....it is a little out of my way
I was going to the eye Dr, off I-30 and had to stop by my the Rude shop...I did find 2 nice superveil angels though.....I am holding off on the betta for now...after I posted that earlier...I was feeding my fish, and my male guppy was almost dead....I had noticed a rip in his tail fin...thought he caught it on some of the holey rock I have in there...but apparently it was fin and tail rot, and his tummy was swollen, it came on very fast, and he died...but none others show any signs, but I am treating the tank right now, and didn't want to subject a betta who has already been through so much to something else!

Do you know why they keep their bettas in blue water?

Do they still have the 200gal with the black wood stand just to the left as you walk in?

I asked about the price the last Friday and he said $1200...then he said "make me an offer"....I just kinda laughed, and said I would have to build a room for it!
....I went in on Tuesday...and he was talking to a couple about it, and they had him @ $600....just wondering if it sold!
ive been thinking about making my own tank and stand the price of glass and the price of wood and the time it takes to cut and put together im thinking i could save money...was looking at double glazed stuff the other day. i htink those fish would get on once the other fish are over this fiun rot thing im shure it would make your tank look beutifull tho i bet it allready does.
the 200 gallon is still there, with some of my drool all over it, J/K but wow it's awesome! Yeah Mrs.Lee said 1200.00 too but then followed up with "thats negotiable" :lol:
Can you imagine all the fish you could have in there???? :wub:
and I don't know why they have them in the blue water, I think it's for color or something, I've never bought one like that.....and did ya notice how he has them in bags instead of cups now? I can't decide if that's better or worse than the little cups...either way I hate seeing bettas kept like that but I totally understand the terror one can bring into a tank so they must be seperated sometimes (I guess) I'm sure it makes them appreciate their new home even more when they get one :sad: :wub:
Sorry about your little guy & that's a good idea about waiting
the perfect fishy will be somewhere waiting for ya as soon as your ready :wub:
I bought a betta that was in blue water a few months ago and I had a lot of problems with him and ended up losing after about 2 weeks. First he got ich and then he started dive bombing the gravel and would stay in there with his nose stuck down in the gravel. I tried to treat him but had no luck. I have read where they use "easter egg" water to color fish, supposedly in the same way as injecting dye, the water seeps into the skin/scales. Not really sure how it works but decided then and there that no way would I ever buy anything in colored water again. For all I know it could have been medication in the water.
I think I want to get a betta, they are so pretty...... I have a 10 gal with 3 guppies....could a betta go in there, or are these fish not compatible?

I think a betta would do fine in your tank with the guppies, i had a betta with guppies for a while and had no problems. I've heard that sometimes the betta might get the guppies confused with another male betta and be a bit aggressive but ive never seen that happen. The more room for the betta the better :lol: You shouldn't have any problems though, just get rid of the finrot before you put him in. I lost 5 guppies from fin rot!

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