I Want A Betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Cave In Wales
I've seen a really nice betta in aquarium shop and would like to get it once my tank is sorted. My question is...

Will betta be ok in Rio180 as I have read some threads and people say betta's likes nice easy flow calm water ?

You may well tell me that flow on 180 is fine but I would rather know now than rather go get it and find it did not like my setup/water flow.



It just stood out as soon as I walked in shop... its sooooOOOOooo blue
*whistles* So, the Rio 180's filter is rated at "600 litres per hour", which translates over for me to, "158.2 gallons per hour"... which, is fairly rapid. And a Rio 180 holds 47.5 US Gallons... that'd be one spoiled betta. :)

I suspect that your betta couldn't take a current that strong, though, if it was a heavy tailed sort. I can't really scream "yes! It may!" or "no! It may not!", since... well, you know, I've never seen that betta.

The only thing I can tell you, is what my personal experience is. And, you know what an anecdote is worth.

My 2 bettas are respectively filtered at 3 gallons per hour and 30 gallons per hour. The betta at 30 gallons per hour is a short tailed, young female. She has no issues with it. The betta at 3 gallons per hour is a long tailed male, who is quite old, and he has no issues with it.

I had a long tailed, young betta in a tank with 90 gallons per hour, and he died. :/

I'd feel weird advising you. Both my tanks are small, and a larger current is probably greatly exaggerated in my circumstance. My tanks are 10 gallons and 5 gallons.

So, you know, I can only confuse you with stories. :thumbs: ;)
Maybe I'll wait but I would like to get a betta. Think I might sort out my other fish an tanks and then put a betta in my rekord60... will have to do over time after xmas though!
I have to google all these tanks you're mentioning. :lol: 54 litre capacity, 14 US gallon 'translation'. Very nice. I never bothered to look up Juwel, as, you know, I'm quite content with what I own, but these tanks are definately attractive numbers.
I have a vision 180 (which is just the bow front version of the Rio) and had a few females in there and a male (on a different occasion to the females !). The current is so soft and gentle that didnt' affect them whatsoever. I say it will be absolutely fine - depending on tank mates....
Ah hah, so the tank capacity definately effects the overall feel of the current. I thought as much. It's often pleasent to be wrong about such things.

Go get that betta, Wit, quick, before someone else does! :lol:
I have a vision 180 (which is just the bow front version of the Rio) and had a few females in there and a male (on a different occasion to the females !). The current is so soft and gentle that didnt' affect them whatsoever. I say it will be absolutely fine - depending on tank mates....

Did your bettas swim all round tank or stay in certain areas ?
I don't know what kind of a filter you are actually having there, but is it possible to change the position of the filter? If the "nozzle" (I'm not sure if it's a right word) is turner toward the glass the stream wouldn't be so strong.

"3 x Platies
5 x Neon Tetras
2 x Zebra Danios
4 x Copper Harlequins 13/09/05
2 x Bronze CatFish 23/09/05
3 x Rummy Nose Tetras 13/10/05"
About these fish, I wouldn't keep platies with bettas. They are eager to tear bettas fins and some bettas are eager to kill these fish. Also Neon Tetras and especially Zebra Danios are capable to this.
Particulary, if you are keeping these fish in too small shoals they can easily start to pick fins. All of your fish are shoal fish and they need to have enough big school to promote their natural bahavior. More than 6 of these fish are good to keep together.

Good luck with your tank! Hope you can find some good advice here!
I don't know what kind of a filter you are actually having there, but is it possible to change the position of the filter? If the "nozzle" (I'm not sure if it's a right word) is turner toward the glass the stream wouldn't be so strong.

"3 x Platies
5 x Neon Tetras
2 x Zebra Danios
4 x Copper Harlequins 13/09/05
2 x Bronze CatFish 23/09/05
3 x Rummy Nose Tetras 13/10/05"
About these fish, I wouldn't keep platies with bettas. They are eager to tear bettas fins and some bettas are eager to kill these fish. Also Neon Tetras and especially Zebra Danios are capable to this.
Particulary, if you are keeping these fish in too small shoals they can easily start to pick fins. All of your fish are shoal fish and they need to have enough big school to promote their natural bahavior. More than 6 of these fish are good to keep together.

Good luck with your tank! Hope you can find some good advice here!

All these fish not in same tank atm and I am just sorting nitrite level out in 180 and it seems to be heading in right direction. Not having a go but I did mention that I may move my fish about slowly after xmas so I can put betta in rekord60 but the oh so blue betta may be gone by then :X

P.S Lost a rummy not so long ago it wedged itself in rocks an died, min sale quantity in shop is 4 unless he knows he already sold you some.
I have a vision 180 (which is just the bow front version of the Rio) and had a few females in there and a male (on a different occasion to the females !). The current is so soft and gentle that didnt' affect them whatsoever. I say it will be absolutely fine - depending on tank mates....

Did your bettas swim all round tank or stay in certain areas ?
They all swam all over the place :nod: I had my nozzled turned slightly and angled to the back wall of the tank.

I've since ripped out that internal filter and replaced it with a much stronger filter. My one remaining female (with very elaborate finnage) even still loves it and zooms around all over the tank with the big fish ! :lol:

Edit: if those fish in your sig are the proposed tank mates, they should be absolutely fine. I kept mine with a similar bunch.
I have a vision 180 (which is just the bow front version of the Rio) and had a few females in there and a male (on a different occasion to the females !). The current is so soft and gentle that didnt' affect them whatsoever. I say it will be absolutely fine - depending on tank mates....

Did your bettas swim all round tank or stay in certain areas ?
They all swam all over the place :nod: I had my nozzled turned slightly and angled to the back wall of the tank.

I've since ripped out that internal filter and replaced it with a much stronger filter. My one remaining female (with very elaborate finnage) even still loves it and zooms around all over the tank with the big fish ! :lol:

Edit: if those fish in your sig are the proposed tank mates, they should be absolutely fine. I kept mine with a similar bunch.

My old man had betta in tank long time ago with a similar community but he had hatchets in there not rummy' or platy. Betta only ever went for hatchets every once in a while otherwise it was peaceful, he even had angels in there an no problems between tham.

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