alright...i just bought another 10 gallon tank and the stupid 5 gallon is going back....i really hate it but that's besides the point. ok i have one 10 gallon tank going at the moment it's been going 4 3 weeks now....and it has fish.....all the fish survived and my guess is it's cycled because it's an older tank and has been cycled b4 but that's just a guess....(i don't have any test kits)
let's start at the top....this tank kit comes with an underground filter are these things as useless as i hear....well as a precaution i bought an aquaclear mini cuz that's the only filter i've ever used!
next i have 2 mollies in the 5 that is going back and i can keep them in my old 10 gal temporarily but that will mean that that tank will be overcrowded while i cycle the new one.....
should i use the 2 mollies to cycle the new tank? or use some water from the old one as well as gravel and filter foam
or should i got fishless but risk having my other tank overcrowded ) please help me!
let's start at the top....this tank kit comes with an underground filter are these things as useless as i hear....well as a precaution i bought an aquaclear mini cuz that's the only filter i've ever used!
next i have 2 mollies in the 5 that is going back and i can keep them in my old 10 gal temporarily but that will mean that that tank will be overcrowded while i cycle the new one.....
should i use the 2 mollies to cycle the new tank? or use some water from the old one as well as gravel and filter foam
or should i got fishless but risk having my other tank overcrowded ) please help me!