I wannanother betta!


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
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does anyone know anyway to convince your mom/dad to get you a betta? like, ANOTHER one?! I need your ideas please! :S
well....one time when my parents said no more, i came home with one any way and said "i couldn't resist!"

he was mad...but got over it!
Wait until you find something spectacular, and then go on and on about how it's rare and gorgeous and you may never find another like it. Works like a charm. :hey: That's how I continued to get all mine... doubletails, crowntail females, etc. :p
my parents just say as long as its in ur room and now i got 3 :p
my parents just say as long as its in ur room and now i got 3 :p

i wish my parents said that! i've got all six of mine hidden away in my bedroom (they cover my entire dresser top) and they still yell at me!

i don't see what the problem is! not like THEY can see them.....
they dont take up much space anyway
steppy104 said:
well....one time when my parents said no more, i came home with one any way and said "i couldn't resist!"

he was mad...but got over it!
:lol: heheheh, well, yesterday, i went shopping for my friends b-day present, well, there were fish -_- , i wanted it so bad. I had money, i was like, MOM, I COULD GET THE TANK AND GET THE FISH AT THE SAME TIME!!! oops, g2g, talk to you guy 2 morrow....i guess lol
say urs died, cry and then when u get another say "its a miracle! the old ones alive again!" but maybe get like 3, it only works once, lol
Use big betta words. It confuses them ;)

Use words like these:

double ray
steel blue

They get confused and agree. If that doesn't work say "look how sad mom! It needs me! Plus, pets teach responsibility!"
Locate a study somewhere that suggests watching fish is calming and reduces blood pressure.
Then say, "You don't want me to die do you?!" :eek:

Auratus said:
Use big betta words. It confuses them ;)

Use words like these:

double ray
steel blue

They get confused and agree. If that doesn't work say "look how sad mom! It needs me! Plus, pets teach responsibility!"
u'd be suprised how many people who work for the fish department get confused by them "big words".

i went to petco and asked if the special ordered betta's and she's like "wut do you mean *special*. i'm like "u kno, crowntail, half moons, plakats, doubletails....." you should have seen the look on her face..... :huh: :unsure: so she says "uhh...ask that lady over there by the front desk". i still loved the look on her face when i said that though..... :rofl:

the funny thing was, is that there WASN'T a lady any where near the front desk!
my mom says as long as she doesnt have to see the fish, i can have as many as i want. (anyways im 18 so she doesnt really tell me what to do) i have one large oranda in a 10 gal in the kitchen which she always tells me to move-but i always catch her admiring him...i odnt htink he will be moved anytime soon...

heres a pic from a while ago of my "fish landing"..i have quite a few more in the window now...
jacblades said:
my mom says as long as she doesnt have to see the fish, i can have as many as i want. (anyways im 18 so she doesnt really tell me what to do) i have one large oranda in a 10 gal in the kitchen which she always tells me to move-but i always catch her admiring him...i odnt htink he will be moved anytime soon...

heres a pic from a while ago of my "fish landing"..i have quite a few more in the window now...
wow. nice house. :lol:

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